chapter 6

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After yet another couple of sleepless nights, Ash left his room. (BTW It's been 2 days since the end of the last chapter). The planning had been a lot faster than Ash had anticipated. Although Jessie seemed to really enjoy teaching Ash how to do makeup, unfortunately, the concealer had been a shade too light. James had taught Ash how to hack pokemon League documents to have official documents under a different name to not get caught when undercover (eg: trainer ID). Ash had said he didn't feel comfortable enough to do that in case he got them caught. Meowth was helping Ash train pikachu as all his other pokemon were stolen, and Wabufett once tried to teach Ash how to cook... need less to say the house almost got set on fire.

<knock knock> a knock on the door is an everyday thing. Unless you didn't order anything and nobody knows where you live. That's when things get weird...
Ash cautiously approached the front door to peek out of the spy hole. "Guys," Ash whispered. "There's something out there, and it doesn't look like a pokemon. I think it's a person, but there too far away for me to see, " silence fell then Meowth whispered back."He's right. There's something there. I can see it through the window - AGH HOLY SH#T ITS COMING FOR US" panic followed. Only Ash remained calm. Then he burst out laughing and said "its a pokemon! It's a pokemon that I know!....... a pokemon that i helped with a couple of issues... I wonder what hoopa (A/N its in its unbound form) is doing here?" Turning to look at him .ohhhhh yeah... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, "team rocket screamed. The moments that followed were frantic and full of team rocket trying to grab all their valuables and running around like headless chickens that stopped dead still at the sound of a noise
The noise of the front door opening
The noise of ash running out onto the crunchy autumn (fall but English for those who don't know) leaves
The noise of ash shouting greetings at hoopa
The noise of the hoopa re bounding (idk what it's called)
The shout of the exited hoopa 'ash kan!'
Then the imaginary slow mo stopped
It stopped when Jessie ran out screaming, "Get away from my son." Nobody seemed to notice this, though, as the other two finally caught up to Jessie.
'Woah woah woah! I'm just bringing ash kan an invite like arceus said!' Hoopa claimed nonchalantly ."An invite to what?" James spat sourly. Ash handed him his  letter, "Here you can read it if you want." Ash smiled. James smiled back and said "thanks" After quickly scanning through the letter, James asked confusedley, "what does it mean by all the legendarys want to see him, look I know ash can handle himself but hundreds of extremely powerful pokemon being left with my kid seems a bit dangerous " Jessie and meowth gasped "oh hell nah"  they said in unison. Ash looked at them and smiled. "It's fine. I have only died once or twice to a legendary, and i didn't cause it, and i always come back to life, " everyone gawked at him."Ash, respectfully what the f#ck, you've ONLY died once or twice!? You act as though that's normal!" Team rocket + hoopa screamed. "Hey, it is normal, though? I died like 5 times once by a facy candle thing falling on me when a haunter pulled our ghosts out of our bodies who then, after playing with us, put mine and pikachus ghosts back in our bodies, the second by trying to stop mew and mewtwo from fighting I jumped in the middle of two different attacks im not sure how I was brought back to life that time though. The third I was swallowed by this weird goo in the tree of life mew brought me back that time. There's that one time I drowned in the temple of the sea, the time I froze in space victinii brought me back, then when - oh wait, that's it!" Team rocket yet again screamed "your not going! Not when you've told us all that! Legendarys are way too dangerous for you to be around. Please go back in the house with (me) owth" Ash sulked but went back in the house "let's go order you some online therapy ey?" Meowth said jokingly, trying to make ash laugh."What's therapy?" Ash asked. Meowth ended up taking Ash in the house whilst explaining what therapy was after all ash is a very dense 10 year old.

Or was he

Yes. yes, he is

A/N hope you enjoy this early chapter for you all. It's also extra long! As always, criticism is welcome, and if you have any ideas, I will try including them! Thank you, everyone, for voting on the last chapter, and sorry for its delay. The best thing is another chapter will come on the 20th of February at the latest. Thank you again for reading the author note - Luoi534

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