Chapter 7

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Wes’s POV

As soon as I stepped into the house, my father ran out to me growling.
“How dare you ruin your sisters’ chances with the Luna.”
For the first time in my life, I ignored him and walked around him to the stairs.
My patience was depleted.
I’ve been screamed at, met my mate and his fiancée and met a guy I used to know who’s going through actual hell. If he can survive all of that, I can survive my arsehole homophobic father.
He grabbed my arms stopping me, his grip so tight it was almost painful.
“You will not walk away from me, boy.”
Speechless, I just stared at him as he growled at me. His nostrils flaring, face red as he continued to scream at me.
“I will not allow you to embarrass my family. You will go to the Luna and explain that it was your fault and apologize. Then explain that you will stay away from all of them. You will never even dare look at the Alpha or Luna. I will not have you tarnishing my name.”
His eyes widened slightly before his grip on me tightened even more.
“How dare you, as long as you live under my roof, you will obey my rules.”
Straightening, so my face was the same height as his, I took a step towards him.
I’ve had enough.
There’s no way I’m letting him take the only people who actually care about me away. Megan, Andy and the others had become more like my family than any blood relative I have.
My father and Annie were both cruel to me and my mother just silently let it happen. They have driven me to the breaking point, he had gone too far this time.
A smile filled my face as I yanked my arm from his, knocking him back.
“Then it’s a good thing I don’t live here anymore.”
With a wicked laugh, he shook his head before turning to me.
“And where exactly are you going to live? You’re an unmated, unemployed child.”
Meeting his eyes, I made sure to speak as clearly as I could as I said.
“The Luna and Alpha have offered me a room at the packhouse.”
Speechless, he glared at me. The veins in his neck bulging so much I thought they would pop.
With a mocking laugh of my own, I walked up the stairs to my room, to pack.
Texting Andy that I was moving tonight as soon as I reached my room. My phone buzzed, within a few seconds with her reply. Stating she’s already made the room up and my key is on the kitchen counter.
With a wide smile I packed up the few belongings I own. Mostly clothes. I managed to get my stuff packed up in my truck before my father bothered me again.
“You’re not going anywhere.” He yelled, rushing out to my truck, Annie and my mother following behind him.
“Yes, I am.”
“I will not allow you to embarrass me like this.”
“You don’t get to order me around anymore. I don’t live here.”
His eyes hardened as he looked at me them at my truck.
“They only want you because they don’t know what you are.” He sneered.
He tried to get past me, his fingers already claws as he aimed for my tires.
Stepping in front of him, I screamed at him, my wolf turning my words into a growl.
“They know I’m gay. Now fuck off.”
Without looking back at any of them, I jumped in my truck and drove away.

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