Chapter 4

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Wes’s POV

It wasn’t long until all of us were extremely inebriated, even Grayson was drinking.
The air in the ballroom was light, everyone celebrating both Halloween and the birth of our future Alpha.
By the time the party began to die down the sun was rising over the beach.
What can I say.
Werewolves know how to party.
Megan and Verity both leaned heavily on their mates as they said goodbye before leaving to go to their rooms.
Knowing I had drunk way too much to go anywhere near my truck, I walked home.
Quietly, I tiptoed inside. Being extra careful not to wake my parents or sister.
Luckily it worked, no lights came on or annoyed groans sounded as I walked up the stairs and into my room.
With a groan, I collapsed on the bed, asleep before my head hit the pillow.

“Weston Collins, if you are not downstairs in one minute.”
My eyes shot open, my brain struggling to take in my father’s unfinished threat.
With a look at my alarm, I sighed.
7 am.
Why is he calling me?
I tried to remember the last time my father had started a conversation with me.
At least three months, and that was only because he needed to use my truck as his brand-new Mercedes wouldn’t start.
A growl came from downstairs, and I jumped out of bed and rushed to him.
He stood straight, his suit perfectly pressed, not a thread out of place. The front door remained shut behind him.
His cold eyes shot to me as I reached him, his nostrils flaring.
“It took you long enough.”
“Sorry, I was asleep.”
With a disappointed scoff, he said.
“You’re going to take your sister to the packhouse.”
Why, Annie has a car and doesn’t need me to drive her anywhere.
“Why? Is something wrong with her car?”
The veins in his neck strained against his skin as he roared.
“Don’t question me! You will take your sister and introduce her to the Alpha and Luna. She wants to become friends with them, it will help repair this family’s image to have her join them.”
“I can introduce her to Andy, I can’t make them want to be friends with her though.”
I admitted, knowing full well that Andy will hate Annie. She’s vain, obnoxious and extremely entitled.
Nothing like any of my friends.
“You will not refer to the Luna like that!”
“She’s, my friend.”
With a guttural growl, he stepped towards me.
“You will not force yourself on the Luna or Alpha. I will not have you embarrassing me or this family.”
My throat tightened painfully as he yelled at me.
Embarrass this family…
“They’re my friends.” I said, trying to hide the whimper from my voice.
With another growl he started out of the house, muttering over his shoulder.
“Not anymore.”
Tears stung my eyes as I turned and ran back to my room burying myself beneath the covers.

Annie’s annoyed voice woke me up as she banged on my bedroom door.
“Get up, Dad said you’re taking me to the packhouse.”
With a heavy sigh, I climbed out of bed, opening the door.
“Fine, just let me shower first.”
Huffing, she turned and stomped towards her room.
By 10 o’clock I had showered and changed into my usual casual look.
Jeans, white top with an open rainbow tie dye silk shirt over it. My white vans with a rainbow across the heels Megan had got me last Christmas to complete the look.
Annie got into my truck in silence, taking in my outfit.
“Do you have to be so obvious about it?” she whined as she motioned to my clothes.
Ignoring her I drove to the pack house. Going inside as soon as the truck stopped. Annie a step behind me.
The sound of laughing filled the house, following the noise I found the others in the kitchen. Grayson, Alexi, Verity and Megan all leaned against the island groaning. Andy leant over the stove, cooking what smelled like bacon as Logan held Amara. Chuckling at his hungover friends.
Megan’s eyes shot to me as I came in, widening as she noticed Annie behind me.
With a raised eyebrow, she looked between us as she tried to figure out what was happening.
It wasn’t long before Andy noticed us in the doorway, her eyes bright as she smiled at us.
“Wes, good morning. You look a lot better than them.” She chuckled, nodding her head towards the others.
“Good morning, Luna.”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me. Turning the dials on the oven, she walked over to us. Her eyes going to Annie.
“This is my sister, Annie, Annie this is the Luna.”
Before Andy could respond, Annie shoved me aside, stepping up to the Luna.
“Andy, I apologize for my brother. He’s just grumpy today.” She said, with an over-the-top fake smile plastered on her face.
Andy’s eyes darkened slightly before she extended her hand to Annie.
“It’s nice to meet you. Both of you take a seat, breakfast should be ready soon.”
I moved to sit in the empty chair beside Megan, stopping as Annie said.
“Wes isn’t staying. He just came to drop me off.”
Megan rolled her eyes before grabbing my arm and pulling me to sit beside her before turning on Annie.
“Don’t be stupid, why would he leave?”
Annie narrowed her eyes as she turned her attention to Megan.
“Because our dad wants him home, they have plans.”
Scoffing, Megan stood, her arms crossed as she turned on my sister.
Everyone’s gaze flew to her, my usually quiet, polite and timid best friend.
Who hated Annie even more than I did.
“How dare you, why are you even sitting down? You lazy bitch, you’re nothing but a maid. Do your job and cook our breakfast!” Annie screeched as she stomped her foot on the ground.
She looked like a toddler having a tantrum.
Pathetic really for a 17-year-old, but nothing unusual for my sister.
Before anyone could react, Megan just rolled her eyes.
“Oops, my bad, I could’ve sworn I was dealing with an adult.”
A chorus of laughter filled the room as Annie screeched.
“How dare you talk to me like that.”
Unfazed Megan said. “You know, you’re the reason God created the middle finger.” As she flipped her off before sitting in Grayson’s lap.
The Gamma’s eyes were filled with pride as he wrapped his arms around her.
Annie’s eyes widened as she watched the newly mated pair, realization hitting her.
“I think you should leave; Wes will be joining us; I assume you can walk home?” Andy said, motioning to the door before going back to the stove.
For the first time in her life, my sister was speechless as she turned and stormed out of the packhouse.

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