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My motivation has been beating me into the ground, I swear I'm working on things, just super duper, SUPER slowly 😔 I've got like 3 books planned and I never plan things out so they're also just, going with the flow when I have the motivation. Auuaauaau

Anyways 😋 have some hurt/comfort type stuff WOO

Insecurity talks
Scar mentions (not sh)
Also please be aware that this approach will not work with everyone. Others need more patience, and others may need a bit more of a reality check. If you or someone you know have problems with covering scars or parts about yourself, know I love you, you're perfect, and remind whoever you know even if they don't look like they might have some issues. Everyone can do with a little compliment now and then :)

Relationships in here can be taken however you see em' 😋 (what's that? A not very implicative romance chapter? From ME?? 🤯🤯)

Enjoy~ 😼


Putting makeup on was something they both got used to doing over time. Sabre had introduced it to Rainbow and, unsurprisingly, the steve managed to perfect the craft almost instantly. Blending and color coding looks became easy as pie. They both told each other it was for fun, or pretty looks, but they both knew the real reason. And as much as it hurt knowing how the other felt, they thought it would be hypocritical to say anything about it.

They weren't the only ones to notice, however. Lucas and Light both caught on to how they weren't too keen on going anywhere without doing their makeup, or using some other method to cover their scars. Light went to Lucas in private, growing increasingly concerned for his friends and their self-confidence issues. Lucas agreed something needed to be done about it, so they called a meeting in the Rainbow House.

"So, what's this about guys?" Rain asked cheerfully, yet with an undertone of concern. Sabre nodded beside him, tilting his head curiously. Light hesitated, so Lucas stepped up.

"We need to talk. About you two and some.. Issues."

Sabre frowned, looking to Rainbow, who looked back with an equal level of discontent.

"Oookay? So, what exactly?"

Light stepped forward, wringing his hands together and biting his lip before speaking, "You two know you don't have to hide yourselves, right?"

Sabre and Rain paused, both tensing and looking back at each other again. Sabre's feathers bristled slightly, his earwings pinning against his head.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Sabre. You both know what we're talking about. The constant need for make up, or scarfs, or masks."

Rainbow looked away, crossing his arms and digging his nails into them slightly. Light sighed, gently prying Rainbow's hands off his arms and holding them instead. Sabre looked down, wrying his lip between his fangs before crossing his arms and looking back up.

"I don't see what the problem is. It's personal preference," he huffed, sounding a bit too defensive. Lucas pinned his ears back, dragging a hoof on the wood before nodding.

"Okay, it could be, but we know it's not. We know you both like using make up to look prettier than you two already are, but now you're using it to hide away things you don't like. Not just on your face either."

Light nodded, giving the two a disapproving look. Rain shifted anxiously, his tail flicking and winding around his leg. Light's flicked and brushed against it, the two curling together. Sabre fell silent again, flicking his tail and looking away.

"..yeah, alright, you're both right. But we're so used to it. It's not that bad, is it?" Rainbow asked, squeezing Light's hands a little. Lucas and Light both sighed, shaking their heads.

"It is that bad. You shouldn't have to be ashamed of the way you look." Lucas said gently, coming up to Sabre to provide some support. Sabre huffed, bumping his forehead against Lucas' chest and grumbling to himself. Lucas ruffled the avians hair, rolling his eyes fondly.

"We can start slow. One small thing at a time," Light smiles, pulling Rain into a hug, who happily returns it. Sabre nods, pulling away from Lucas with a hum.

"Can we pick what we start with?"

"Of course!"

Sabre nodded, then wiped off a bit of foundation covering a small scar on the palm of his hand. Part of Lucas wanted to strangle the brunette, knowing he probably picked a small one to spite them, but he also knew how much Sabre worried over his looks and that starting small would be best for him. Rainbow pulled away from Light, pulling his sleeve over his hand and wiping at his neck where a jagged cut sat just under his ear.

Lucas gave them approving nods, taking Sabre's hand and pressing a small kiss to his scar, "See? You're no less beautiful. Either of you."

Light nodded, grinning and pulling up his sleeve to show a small cut. One that wouldn't scar, and would be gone fairly soon, but still something that 'ruined' his skin.

"You wouldn't call me ugly over this, would you?"

Sabre shook his head fervently and Rainbow gasped, "Never!"

"So why would anyone think you two are?"

They fell quiet, then Sabre shrugged, "Because we have a lot more permanent ones?"

Lucas narrowed his eyes, pointing directly to his right eye which held a large scar straight down it.
Sabre laughed nervously and flicked his tail, "Okay, well, yours makes you look cool."

"So do yours."

"Nuh uh."

You can't just say 'nuh uh'?!"

"I just did."

"I'm gonna turn you into an omelet."

"But I'm not an egg?"

"I'll hit you so hard you revert back."

Sabre glared, raising a brow and leaning back slightly, "Are you assuming I was ever an egg to begin with?"



"Save that for when I actually hi-"


The players stopped, ears perking as they looked to a very amused looking pair of steves.

"Girls, girls, you're both beautiful-" Rain started, only to be cut off by Sabre lunging. He shrieked, gasping with betrayal as Light giggled and pulled away, leaving him to fend for himself. Lucas smacked a hand over his face, dragging it down and staring at the chaos with a look of annoyance and amusement.

They'd be okay, in time. He'd be sure of it.


Ough I love them :( *SOBS AND WAILS*



Time: hourish maybe??
Words: 918

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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