Flying Session

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Anyways hi :3 may I interest you in a rarepair I adore 🥳 I love these three sm RAGAGAGA anyways yuh

Alex might be a little (or a lot ARARA)  ooc cuz it's her mixed with a bit (more than a bit who am I kidding whoopsies) of fannon MC Alex's personality from fanfics I read 🥳. So she's a bit more sassy and bold, so 🧍‍♂️

Also this feels kinda clunky cuz I worked on it sporadically over like 2 months or so and just kept dropping it and coming back so pardon if it feels like it loses whatever little pizzaz it may have had

It is heavily romantic in here but I guess you can try taking it as friends play flirting ??????? IDK I DONT REALLY WANNA POST THIS ONE BUT I WORKED ON IT TOO MUCH TO NOT SO *chucks it at you* TAKE IT PLEASE UHUHU 😭


Sabre sighed, rolling his shoulders as the top half of his onesie fell around his waist. He grabbed the sleeves, tying them together and tucking the hood in between his back and the rest of the top. He'd successfully convinced the other two he was doing a quick material run and would be back soon. He found a nice field not too far from their temporary stop, figuring it would be a good spot for a quick stretch and fly before he'd head back, saying he had no luck.

His wings blossomed out, flaring and soaking up the remaining light of the sun as it slowly descended in the horizon. Sitting, he stretched his legs and arms before standing back up, giving his wings a few test flaps before crouching and launching into the air with a thrust of his wings.

The air breezed past, ruffling his hair and feathers as he looked to the falling sun. He grinned, admiring the pretty sight for a moment as he lifted himself higher.


He startled, losing himself in shock before catching himself and whipping around.
"Ohhahah heyy guys! Fancy seeing you here.." he called back with a nervous sweat. Alex and Guardian stared at him with dropped jaws before collecting themselves. Guardian let his own wings extend, thrusting himself up to join Sabre. Alex glided her way up, frowning just slightly.

"Wha- what are you guys doing out the camp?" Sabre asked anxiously, his grin wavering.

"What are you doing out here? In the air? With wings?" Alex retorted, crossing her arms. Sabre looked away shamefully, rubbing the back of his neck. Guardian moved closer, leaning in to study the players wings.

"Your wings look so fluffy. You're a chicken hybrid, right?" Guardian asked, meeting his gaze. Sabre nodded before rethinking and tilting his hand in a 'so-so' motion.

"Mostly a chicken, yeah. But also leucistic crow as well."

The Guardian nodded with a smile, pulling back.

"Those are pretty hard to come across. You're quite a special case."

Sabre laughed, adjusting the feathers of one of his ears, "Thank you."

Alex looked between the two, tilting her head.
"So why don't you ever fly when we're being chased? It'd be a lot faster."

"Yeahh, about that. My wings aren't really at their best right now. Getting knocked around by a bunch of steve's tend to cause damage of some kind. I don't like showing people I have them, it gives them something to use against me." (he ignored the way phantom pains of age old stab wounds from a job long ago ached at the thought.)

Alex nodded in understanding, moving closer to look at his wings like Guardian had previously.
"So how exactly were they hurt? How bad was it? They look mostly alright now." Guardian mused, rubbing his chin between his fingers.

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