His Galaxy

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I've been obsessing over these two because they're so stupidly cute together to me, so I decided WHY NOT MAKE THEM HURT? 🥳 I'm speed running this it's only been like uh, 3? hours since I started and finished this so it's probably fast paced and patchy. A lot of it is dialogue, sorey 😔

I am working on requests dw, I just had to get this out of my system and it's still not chilling, so 😭 the pic is how they make me feel. They hurt me but AUGH I love them 😔

My phones was (and still is) being really dumb and wouldn't let me into a lot of things so I was suffering but trying 🫠 I finally fixed it though, hopefully it doesn't happen again, but AUGH it was horrible the amount of resetting and googling I had to do 💀


Domestic violence?
Physical violence
Mentions of blood
Use of insecurities against someone?
Implied torture
Canon typical violence just a liiiittle more detailed yk
Mocking someones issues
Possessive behavior? To a degree I suppose

"It'll be just you. You, alone. Cause everyone who follows you just- just ends up disappearing, Sabre."

And oh, how that cut into his heart. He could feel his very soul shatter into bits. Bits he wasn't so sure he could pick up again. It's far from the first time his heart has been stabbed and torn into like this, but this? This broke his world. His galaxy. He happily took the hits and repaired himself despite the continuously added cuts as he'd glue the pieces of his very being back together, but he wasn't so sure he could fix it after that blow. Far too many cuts left unhealed are only going to continue bleeding and hurting, and if he even tried to fix this, he'd bleed out.

"Galaxy Steve, I- I could still have you! We can still find other steves! But separating ourselves like this would only make things worse. Don't you miss how we- would work together on things? Look, I'm sorry I tried to push you away, but I was selfish. I thought that was the best way to go about all this." he pleaded. Desperation in his every word as he tried to talk some sense into the other. Trying to hold himself together lest he break.

And then came the blow. The first of many, right across his cheek. He cupped his cheek and stumbled back, staring as his lover ranted his frustrations. Another blow, another cut to bleed out with. As much as he deserved the hits, he didn't want Galaxy to realize what he'd done and beat himself up over it later. He stuttered as he backed away, spewing out his reasonings in an attempt to soothe his stressed out partner. He never meant to make Galaxy feel that way, and he hated himself for how he did.

The steve calmed suddenly, urging Sabre to leave.

"We're not friends anymore, remember?" he said before turning his back to the player, stalking off towards the trees with clenched fists. And he broke.

(u can continue or leave it at that sad bit for ✨dramatic effect✨)

Sabre choked, turning away from where Galaxy had disappeared to wipe away the tears building on his blindfold. Pinning his ears to his head, he groaned as lightning struck a few times behind him.

"Well, well, well. Well done, Sabre. Well done."

"Well done about what? I'm guessing you saw Galaxy Steve walk away from me?"

Origin smiled slightly, shaking his head.

"Another steve you've betrayed. Honestly Sabre, at this point I have to admire your ability to push every single person you know away from you. That's quite a talent!"

Sabre scowled, his tail flicking with irritation.

"What do you want? Because I'm getting a little sick of you just showing up and mocking me. I told you, I'm untouchable. You don't know what was in that temple."

"Untouchable, yeah. Quite untouchable you are, all alone. Watching your only friend walk away. Doesn't that get a little tiring, Sabre? Watching your best friend walk away from you? Time and time again." the god mocked.

"You know what does- nononono- what gets tiring is you coming here and rubbing it in my face. Thank you for that. I really appreciate it." he grinned, feigning gratitude, "You really are such a horrible person."

The god turned, floating up into the air as he spoke again. Sabre only half listened as he collected himself, adjusting his blindfold and attempting to dry and remaining tears. He listened as the god talked about how much joy he got out of watching the player fall. How watching as he suffered at Origins hands was one of the only things that brought him joy.

"I'm the closest thing you have to a friend right now. How comforting is that feeling? Knowing that out in the world," he grinned, spreading his arms and turning in a circle, "no matter where you look, I'm truly the closest thing you have to a friend right now."

That dug deep. Origin wasn't entirely wrong at the moment. Everyone had left, and despite still being friends with people that merely went separate ways, they weren't here.

They argued for a while, going back and forth with insults and counterpoints as they went from the original world to the blank canvas Origin had prepared for his recreation.

"I may not be able to destroy you, but I don't have to leave you in one piece, now do I?"

"Wh- what? What are you talking about? What are you doing?!" Sabre yelled as lightning struck around them. Suddenly they were back where they left off, in the small excuse of a base Galaxy Steve had made.

"You were indestructible there. But now, now you're in the world that I created. The world that I have control over. A world.. that I can hurt you in."

"I- ACK- what are you-" Sabre flinched, staggering back at the sudden strike of lightning. He felt it zap around his body, his limbs shaking as the shocks worked their way through.

"You can't destroy me! You acknowledged it yourself. If you don't know what's in that temple, you don't know what can happen to you if you destroy me."

The god nodded, clasping his hands together.

"You're right, I don't know Sabre. But the thought of not knowing something - it brings me comfort. You know what brings me even more comfort, Sabre? Watching you suffer."

The player yelled as lightning struck him again, curling into himself uselessly.

"STOP! If you destroy me you could be destroyed as well!"

Origin lifted himself into the air, holding out a hand as he rose above the brunette, "I don't have to destroy you, Sabre. I just have to make you suffer. I just have to break you down. All I have to do- is make you miserable. This rather is kinda fun, isn't it, Sabre?"

Another strike.

"You're gonna destroy me, and you're gonna be taking yourself down!"

"And? Your point is, Sabre?"

"You can't be that crazy."

"It's like you said, Sabre. I've got nothing to lose. But here's the thing." the steve said, landing back on the ground to stare down the shorter, "You've caught me in quite the predicament. I can't destroy you. But at the same time I can't let you.. leave."

"..so what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we're best friends, Sabre! And I'm gonna keep you by my side.. Forever."

Four more strikes. Agony shoots through him as his ears twitch, picking up that sweetly familiar voice he thought had left him.


His galaxy had come back.
It feels kinda cringy, but then again so is half the shit I make so, it's uh, tolerable at the least 😌


I hate them they make me so AUGH anyways probably expect more of them bc they plague me <3

*Struggles in TimeBre and GalBre lover*

Time - 3-4 hours

Words - 1108

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