Hidden Helper

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Hallo! I kinda spedran this fic in like 2 days since it felt the easiest to work with at the time. Since I'm rewatching the Steve Saga I'm getting so many ideas ALONG with the requests ALONG with already started WIPs, so a few things might be pumped out sporadically depending on what I manage to focus on with all the newly starting projects.

It feels a little patchy and fast paced, and I realize I could've done a lot more but I already progressed quite a bit before I figured what I could have done differently, but hopefully it still satisfies! Sorry for the odd bits. I probably won't patch anything up for a bit, but eh- hopefully it's close enough to the original request to be enjoyable lmao 😭

This is a request by FoggyRP303 ! Go check out their design for this AU if you want a better visual of what Sabre's meant to look like. I added a few small twists to it but hopefully that's not an issue AA REGARDLESS! Enjoy! 🦅


Time had a problem. Well, quite the opposite, actually. He had too few problems. Which was rather odd. But the lack of problems added up to another problem, so he wasn't really sure how to think of this situation. Typically, when you see things out the corner of your eye and issues you were having suddenly get fixed without much of your interference, you seek help. Professional help.

But, despite being the master of time, he figured that was too time consuming and, frankly, rather boring. So what better than to look for the.. Solution to his problems, he supposes.

He'd spent a few days experimenting and talking with some other steves, and even got Light Steve in on assisting him figure out just what was happening, as well as Rainbow. Light had been getting reports of issues being suddenly fixed and figures moving out of sight at the last second, and was getting just as curious as Time. Rainbow just asked to tag along to help after hearing about it and seeing it a few times himself. They ended up setting up a few false problems and figured out where activity was most frequent.

Which led them to where they were now. Light in his armor with a spear and Time and Rainbow with just themselves as they looked through the trees. The dark oak trees covered most of the ground, giving them only a little light from the sun. Luckily, they'd brought lanterns, as they weren't sure how long they'd be searching. Rainbow still felt off about being here, given the tales of this forest. Something about a creature that lurks and stalks around the forest, scaring off anyone who dares to enter.

Light turned to the others, giving a small smile.


They both nodded and they set off, Light leading the way most of the time so he could move and cut away any thorns and bushes. Every so often they'd see things move just out of sight, a few twigs snap and the rustling of leaves and bushes. No matter how fast they looked they couldn't catch anything.

Eventually they came across a slight clearing. In the center there was a small cherry blossom tree still in the process of growing. A few flowers surrounded it and the grass seemed well taken care of. They looked around and walked around the clearing to be sure it wasn't a trap before carefully walking to the blossom. It only reached up to their chests, so it had a long way to go.

The steves circled around the tree and spread out in the clearing to search for clues before meeting back at the tree.

"Anything?" Time asked, glancing between the other two.

"Nope. Just regular old plants. It's odd for a random cherry blossom to be here though. And the grass looks tended to, so clearly something or someone has to be here right?" Light said, putting a hand on his hip and looking around.

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