"Is this wise? If their only experience with angels were ones that tried to kill them..." Cross trailed off as Vaggie shrugged.

"Wouldn't hurt to try," She motioned with her hand to the inside of the hotel as Cross nodded and walked past Vaggie into the lobby.

Act Two

"AH FUCK NO!" The second Cross stepped into the lobby and Vaggie closed the door, he was immediately spotted by a white, multi-armed demon, with long legs and an obvious risqué outfit. That entailed a popped open top button shirt, black bowtie over the white chest fur, black leggings, and pink arm gloves, resembling what Cross could only describe as a hooker.

"Angel Dust! I already said he's not here to harm us!" Charlie was obviously trying to reason with this demon, now known to Cross as Angel Dust, but it seemed like it wasn't going too well.

"We literally just avoided dying like, not even three days ago! Why have another angel, regardless of whether or not he's 'harmless', come into the hotel!?" Angel put his lower set of hands on his hips while his upper set of arms were crossed.

"I agree with Legs, ain't no way he could've just lied to you and waltzed right in," A black winged, cat-like demon wearing overalls and decorated in poker card symbols addressed Charlie as well while his black and yellow eyes scanned Cross up and down.

"Look, I know how things have been these last few days but please, when I say that I know he's not here to give us danger, I know it! Vaggie, you know him right?" Charlie turned to Vaggie, needing her support as the fallen angel was caught off guard by now being put in the spotlight.

"Yeah...I know him. His name is Cross, and trust me when I say that compared to the other angel's, he's more...patient?" Vaggie side eyed Cross as he looked at her.

"That's a good way to put it I suppose. You heard Vaggie right however. I, am Cross, an agent of the department called-"

"Look, if I wanted to know who you fucking worked for, I would've asked. But I don't care and don't want to know." The black cat demon took a large gulp from the bottle of liquor he held as Cross went silent and stared at him with narrowed eyes.

"Husker?" Cross said suddenly as the black cat demon choked on his drink and looked at Cross with concern in his eyes.

"How the hell do you know my name?" Husk set down his bottle as he approached Cross. Cross grabbed the sides of his mask as he pulled it off, revealing his face as Husk stopped dead in his tracks.

"Been many years since I last saw you, Husk. I believe, our last meeting was when I stopped a demon from leaving your establishment with stolen money." Cross tucked his mask under his arm as Husk took a moment before his eyes widened.

"Ah, shit...didn't think I would be seeing you again. Are you still someone's lacky or what?" Husk asked.

"I'm my own boss now, except I still take orders so, you could call me a mini-boss." Cross mentioned, earning a grunt from Husk as he turned back around and returned to his bottle.

"Alright Princess, I'll give him a chance, but only because I owe him a favor." Charlie smiled happily and as she turned back to Angel to convince him, Cross felt something land on his neck as he saw two tiny black legs, one on each shoulder. He quickly reached up with his free hand and grabbed something as he pulled it off his neck and held it in front of him. There, in front of him, was a red haired, nicely dressed, one eyed demon who held a tiny dagger in her hands.

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