“I'm not. Leave me alone.” Her voice growled as her face grimaced, exposing her feelings plainly for Cross to see. Cross sighed as he looked behind her and reached, grabbing the bottle of wine as he lifted it and sat it on his lap.

“Noah's Bounty, if I recall, Adam kept a store of this stuff in his room, only bringing it out after every Extermination Day,” Cross read the bottle's name as he smiled slightly. “He only wanted the best to share with you-”

“Shut up! Adam isn't here to share it with me! He won't ever be here to share anything with me anymore because he's dead! You hear me, Cross!? DEAD! What did we have to show the court? Nothing! The opinion they have of us…if it wasn't already bad, now it's in the fucking ground!” Lute yelled at Cross as her eyes were filled with tears.

Her eyes shut as she started to gently weep, her tears falling softly down the city below. Cross stared at her, his expression unreadable, as he slowly reached over and took her hand in his, attempting to comfort her. Lute's eyes opened quickly as she looked at her hand then at Cross who was now looking forward.

“I know not many angels appreciated, or even cared about Adam and his duties. But, you knew him, better than most did. He covered up his pain when he was alive with the attitude he emitted toward others. Though he was foolish when approaching the situation that led him to his death,” Lute tensed her body and opened her mouth to retaliate. “It doesn't change the fact he put Heaven and his friends first, above all else.” Lute slowly closed her mouth as she turned her gaze forward as well, taking her hand out of Cross's and wiping her eyes.

“So…why did you really come up here?” Lute asked as Cross raised a finger and his nail grew quickly to a point. He pointed the nail down at the cork and looked to Lute for confirmation for him to continue. Lute observed this and nodded, giving Cross the permission to send his nail into the cork and pull it out in one quick motion. The smell of succulent berries filled the area around Lute and Cross as Cross handed the bottle to Lute and his nail returned to normal.

“I'm heading down to Hell. I've some orders that need handling and wanted to ask if there was something you wanted me to do while I was down there,” Lute raised the bottle to her lips as she gulped down a quarter of the wine from the bottle before taking a breath and looking to Cross.

“I thought you only took orders from Sera and Emily?” Lute asked, handing the bottle to Cross who did the same as Lute before removing the bottle from his mouth.

“There's a difference between orders, and returning favors,” Cross answered after handing the bottle back to Lute. “So, any requests?” Lute was quiet for a moment as she pondered his question. Her mind circled with revenge, doubt, anger, and many uncharacteristic things that an angel shouldn't think about. But after a moment and another drink, her eyes narrowed at him.

“I want my arm back,” Cross looked to her, his eyes widening in slight surprise as he thought her request would be the head of whoever killed Adam.

“You sure? There's nothing else?”

“Cross, you and I both know I can't order you to kill someone, and I definitely don't want you to piss off the Seraphim. With such a big fuck up, you could be looking at damnation if I had you do that. But retrieving my arm? I'll settle for that if fucking anything.” Lute raised the bottle to her lips and drank the remaining half of the bottle. Setting the bottle down, Cross nodded to himself as he stood up, his mask under his arm as he turned to leave.

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