I put my arms around his neck. He instantly put his both arms on my waist and pulled me against him. I reached up so my lips where almost touching his ear.

''You know'' I started with a whisper and felt him shiver at that. I smiled and continued to whisper, ''If you let me go now I promise not to run away and come back right after...and then we can walk somewhere else so we are alone...''

He growled again and I felt him pull me closer again. I smiled knowing that he will let me go now. He wanted to be alone and I knew that.

''You got five minutes'' he whispered and let me go. I smiled at him and turned away to walk to where Emma and Molly was.

Emma smiled and we walked away. I looked back one last time at Ross to see him looking at me again. He put his fingers to his other hand where a wristwatch should be and tapped it three times. I nodded at him and looked back to see where I was going.

''What did you say?'' Molly asked me.

''Oh nothing'' I answered with a smirk and she laughed at me.

''He is going to go crazy after a while with you'' Molly said with a laugh and me and Emma joined her.

''Probably'' I answered and smiled. Then I turned towards Emma who was on the other side of me, ''So?''

''So what?'' she asked me confused.

''Talk, I only have five minutes.'' I said.

''What do you want me to talk about?'' she asked me and turned away acting like she didn't know anything.

''Oh please girl'' I said with a laugh, ''don't act dumb''

''You got a mate'' Molly said to Emma, happy.

''Oh dear god, don't even start this. I don't know what to do, what to say, what to feel...'' Emma said scared.

''Just be yourself.'' Molly said and I nodded, ''plus he is the beta of Laura's mate so you will be going with her to his pack''

I stopped. I forgot about that. I will have to leave. I won't be part of this pack. I will have to hide my secret.

Oh dear god my secret!

I will have to tell Ross about it. He will have to know about me being a white wolf. I will have to tell him.

Molly and Emma stopped as well and looked back at me, ''Are you okay?''

''I will have to leave...''I started.

''Well duh, you are going to be the Luna'' Molly said with a smirk.

''But that means leaving you all'' I continued. I looked at Molly and saw her hiding her sadness behind the smile she was showing.

''Hey, we will see each other! His pack is the neighboring pack! We can see each other whenever we want!'' Molly said and took my hand and Emma's as well, ''We'll all miss you two but you're going with your mates! That's awesome!''

''Yeah...''I mumbled and looked down. Molly squeezed my hand and I looked up. She gave me a smile and I gave her one back.

''Promise you will visit us as much as you can?'' Emma asked and Molly nodded.

''I promise!'' Molly said with a laugh and pulled us into a hug.

''But hey!'' I said when we pulled away, ''I am not going away tonight! We don't need to say goodbye yet!''

''Yeah, me too! I am staying here!'' Emma said and I smiled at her, ''Fuck him if he wants me to go with him today!''

We all laughed at her and I nodded, ''Yeah, fuck them!''

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