Volume II

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Introduction :

Kuhoo. Mahil. Adi. - Three lovers on a crossroad of life.

"I was yours the moment I saw you," Running my fingers through his jet black hair, I whispered in the man's ears.

"And I was yours even before I met you," He mumbled over my lips. Closing the orbs, I moved forward expecting our lips to meet but it never happened as Mahil shifted back hearing someone's footsteps.

Tugging at his shoulder, I asked for his attention but when he paid no heed, my eyes fluttered open only to see his orbs burning with fire throwing daggers somewhere behind me. Following his line of vision, as I turned around, a gasp escaped my mouth, "Adi."


Tropes :



#Love At First Sight

#Lovers To Enemies

#Family Rivalry

#Spiritual Journey

#Healing Each Other


Note : >> Contains references to Bhagvad Gita, Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran and other scriptures.


As mentioned earlier, story is divided into two volumes.

Volume I : Based in Chicago. Revolves around lives of Mahil and Kuhoo. All about their love story.

Volume II : Based in Mumbai and the sacred village Shyamkalpi (Kuhoo's native place where her family lives). A family saga.

So let us now start with the volume II.

Diamond Hearts (Volume I & II)Where stories live. Discover now