"Um, no? But Ian is." He smirks.

"Ian and I-"

"I know, I know. You broke up. He's been telling everyone how you hooked up with some blonde- oh, you must be the guy." Clay said, gesturing at Luke.

Luke didn't say anything.

"Is he mute?" Clay laughed.

"Shut up, Clay. Is my brother here or not?"

"I already told you he wasn't. May you really need to listen better." Clay said.

I peek into the crack of the door and see a lilac head of hair. Michael.

"You liar." I say as I push past Clay and storm into the house. Luke follows behind me.

"Michael." I say as I stand behind him.

He turns around, his eyes bloodshot, exactly like Clay's.

"Oh god. Are you high?" I ask.

"Get the fuck out of here." Michael slurs.

"What's wrong with you? Are you fucking drunk too? You've got to be kidding me, Michael. " I say.

"Well well well. Look who's here." Ian emerges from another room.

"Not now, Ian."

"Why not? Now is a perfect time to show everyone who the guy you whored around with is." He says.

"Shut the fuck up, dude." Luke warns.

"Oh what? Are you her little protector now?" Ian asks as he steps closer to Luke, ready to start a fight.

"Come on, babe. They're not worth it." Aubrey says as she comes and grabs Ian's arm. I guess they really are together.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan and roll my eyes.

It's not that I was jealous because let's be real here, I'm with Luke so I already got the better end. But, it's just the fact that Aubrey, my best friend since elementary school, had the nerve to sleep with Ian while I was with him, and now date him. How much of a backstabber can one person be?

"What? You can't possibly be mad. You've got someone new. Although, you'll probably be with someone new in a few weeks anyways. That's just what you do." Aubrey says with a sinister smile.

What was wrong with her? We had been best friends for years and yet here she is, throwing it all away over some guy. Ian to be exact. A guy that was not even worth her time. A guy that would treat her like shit and once he got whatever he wanted from her, he'd dump her and move onto the next girl.

"You don't know anything about Luke and I. Nor will you ever. I'm glad you found someone, don't call me when he cheats on you and leaves you all alone." I say.

Luke grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I wasn't aware I was going for her until he stopped me.

"Good to see you still haven't lost your street edge since being in Sydney. All I can say is good luck when you come back here once summer ends." Aubrey says.

"I'm not coming back. I'm staying in Sydney." I state.

"Oh, so now you're just going to run away from your problems like a scared little kid?" Aubrey laughs.

"I'm not running away from anything. I want to be close to my boyfriend and my brother. I've made friends there. Real friends. Which is more than I can say about all of you." I exclaim.

"Do you really want to start with me?" Aubrey asks.

"Please." I scoff. "I've been done with you all for a long time, I just now finally had the guts to tell you. Besides, I didn't come here for any of you, I came for my brother." I say walking over to Michael who's taking a drink of his beer.

"Come on." I say as I grab his arm.

"Get off me." Michael pushes me and I stumble to the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Luke yells and comes to my side.

"Are you okay? He didn't mean that, he's drunk. And high. He's so out of his mind right now, May." Luke says.

I look up to see Michael just standing there, a blank expression on his face. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't even feel bad about pushing me down. Either that or he's just completely out of it.

I stare up at him as I shake my head slowly, tears streaming from my face. I had seriously cried more these past few days than I have my whole life.

"What?" Michael huffs.

"Look at you." I motion to him, "You―you're mom."

"I'm nothing like her!" Michael screams.

"Oh really? You're high and drunk, and you just pushed me down. You're a mirror of her." I cry.

"Let's just go back to your dad's." Luke says to me as he helps me up.

"I'm not leaving without Michael." I say.

"Well then you're going to be waiting a long time." Michael says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I'm moving back."

A/N Hey guys! What did you think? Michael's moving back to Melbourne ooooo! How do you guys feel about that?

Please vote & comment! They really help. I work super hard all the time on these chapters so it's nice to feel appreciated when people vote and give me feedback.

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