Chapter 8: The null

Start from the beginning

"IT WILL NOT WORK!" - said Irisviel after pulling his wires, throwing him into the tree and definitively trapping his arms. But the man didn't seem worried, he just took a deep breath and simply began to press on the tree, making it creak.

Irisviel was frightened by Kotomine Kirei's monstrosity, the man with just his brute and superhuman strength managed to break the tree in half. - "I-it can't be!" - said Irisviel. Kirei frees himself from the blue threads and goes towards Irisviel.

Somewhere else in the forest.

Saber and Lancer were protecting the children and killing all those bizarre creatures. - "Tell me, Saber. Where is your man?" - Lancer said being sarcastic. - "M-man? Are you talking about Yuji, he was just captured by Caster." - Saber said, finishing killing a curse.

"What a pity, I wanted to at least thank you for removing my curse, but it looks like I'll have to thank you another time." - said Lancer Landing a critical blow on another curse.

Saber was very worried about Itadori, but she could still feel that he wasn't that far away from her. - 'I hope everything is fine with you, Yuji.' - thought Saber worried about Itadori.

Itadori's mind was clouded, as if he was slowly being consumed. Itadori wakes up from his deep sleep completely scared.

Looking for a way out, but he only saw darkness. - "I'm feeling so... Powerless, that's how you were feeling Megumi.... a useless, an anomaly... That's how I felt when there was that incident in Shibuya, this horrible feeling of Not new..." - the boy closed his eyes accepting his fate... until someone hugged him from behind.

 until someone hugged him from behind

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"Don't cry, my little one.... As a son of the hunt, your duty is to keep fighting... You are bigger than this, you know better than anyone your true potential, you and your brother knew that. So , fight!” - said the girl who wore a kemono and blue bow. Her hair was pink, just like Itadori's. In addition to having tails and fox ears.

Without understanding, it was obvious that he was scared. - "W-who are you?" - asked Itadori. - "You don't need to know... Know that I just want to help you. So, take a deep breath and get up." - said the mysterious girl. - "You're right... I can't just stand here. I need to help Arturia, Irisviel and Kiritsugu! If we want to save more people... If we want to save the entire world... We will have to win this war!" - said Itadori, getting up.

The boy was about to turn around to see the face of the girl who helped him, but she disappeared in an instant. - "She... disappeared?" - Itadori said confused. He started to worry about where he was. - "Anyway, it seems like I'm trapped in a domain..."

The boy walked around the dark and empty domain, trying to find a way out, but it didn't seem to be working. - "How am I going to get out of here?... Maybe by punching the ground?" - that was the best idea he had at that moment.

Before Itadori can punch the ground, he is hit by something and falls. - "W-what?" - he looks around and sees that there was no one there, or that's what he thought. - "It's not possible, the enemy is...-" Itadori is interrupted by a sequence of blows that he had no way of defending.

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