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When you hear the words "world domination" your mind might go to something like this:

Evil villain, taking over the world in his quest for revenge but he's actually got another motive of wanting the people who destroyed his life to suffer.

You wouldn't think of Quinn and Macey standing on the roof of a car at a high school field party belting You Belong With Me and every single person at said party singing with them and watching in rapt attention.

I barely feel it when my phone buzzes in my pocket. The crowd buzzing with energy, laughing, and drinking really can distract you.

Quinn and Macey both pause from their singing to check the phones and their eyes widen as they read whatever text they got. Quinn's head whips up and she instantly finds me in the crowd mouthing "Read your fucking texts now." I scramble and practically rip my phone out of my pocket.

"Shit." I hiss, pushing my way out of the crowd. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."

Unknown: Hey there, Connie Bear, it's been a week since my first text, and nothing back? Did I scare you? I suppose since I've heard nothing, you want me to spill your secrets? No? Yes? It's very hard to tell your emotions through a screen. How about this? I continue telling your secrets and you continue your hopeless attempt to stop it? Sounds good perfect. The first secret of Constance Fracher......

I stop reading, bracing myself for whatever shit is about to hit the fan. Taking a deep breath I lean against a nearby tree barely noticing how, though the music hasn't stopped, Quinn and Macey aren't on top of the car anymore.

The first secret of Constance Fracher is: that she was on the verge of an alcohol addiction when she was 15.

That's all from me today.

Call me BlackNight by the way.

Holy fuck.

I squeeze my eyes shut and bang my head against the tree. Well, that was one secret down. I don't know how many to go.

"Connie?" A voice snaps me out of my panic. Quinn, Macey, and Evie all look at me with worry. "Are you okay?"

No. "Yeah I'm fine," I force a smile. Macey opens her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "Please don't mention it, I don't wanna talk about it."

Quinn wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Okay we won't, but just know we care about you." she starts to lead us away from the party and towards her house. "C'mon, we're going home and we're going to watch a bunch of shitty movies with ice cream-" She's cut off when a deep laugh follows from behind.

"Oh for fucks sake," Evie grumbles turning around. "Can't catch a damn break." She looks up at whoever is following us. "What do you want?"

"So Connie, you're an alcoholic?" A loud smack sounds and a string of curse words follows.

"Dude! Read the situation," Jaiden yells out.

Macey spins around and death glares whoever said it - I'm assuming Connor - it seems like something he would do.

I look up from the ground then, noticing the deadly look on Quinn's face. Her face is etched in a frown which switches to suspicion quickly. I look up to where her gaze is and my blood runs cold.

"Fuck," I whisper, grabbing Macey's hand and whispering to Quinn. "Turn around and act like you haven't seen him." We spin around to face the boys nearly all of whom are smirking. I roll my eyes and grip Evie's hand yanking her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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