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The house was white. Like every other house in the street, white walls, a green lawn, and a red door. This picture-perfect house in a picture-perfect street, in a picture-perfect town. It made me want to hurl.

Dad had already moved everything inside and unpacked, the only thing left to go was me. I step onto the porch and scrunch my nose at the house. I didn't want to move, but as soon as Dad heard they needed a new base because theirs had been compromised, we had to move.

So now I stand here fighting against the urge to get angry. Who moves in their last year of school? Me apparently.

"Connie?" Dad calls, "you out there?"

I sigh, pushing the door, and enter the big surprise, white house and walk into the lounge room to Dad.

"Yeah, what's up?" He hands me a large floppy package.

"This came earlier, think it might be your new uniforms." Right. My uniforms, to Edgeton Prep. The most elite school in the state. Third in the country. Rich kids and richer kids attend this school.

Dad looks at me expectantly. He knows I don't want to go to this school, it'll be your stereotypical type, of school, filled with girls who are practically princesses in their own worlds, and guys who think they can fuck whoever they want.

Dad doesn't know that though, he just wants me to attend to see him.

My childhood best friend, Griffin Prescott. We were inseparable from the womb. And then he left.

I understood why he left because his mom had work. We had promised to stay in touch. But then he never tried to contact me. I did, I texted, called, and even wrote to him. Nothing ever came back. Ever.

We haven't talked in five years, and Dad's expecting us to have a whole big ass, teary reunion, and be best buds all over again. Griffin can go suck shit if you ask me. No matter what Dad thinks we're not going to be anything, our friendship was destroyed the second he left and decided to never talk to me again. So if Dad's expecting some sort of rekindling, he's going to be sorely disappointed. It's not going to happen.


I look at the package and muster up the edge to open it, fabric spills out. Uniforms. "Yeah, they're uniforms Dad," I say and he suggests I try them on to see if they fit. They will of course, I'd spent an entire hour measuring every inch of my body to make sure they fit, I wasn't starting a new school with clothes that didn't fit me properly. Picking up the package I walk out of the room, up the stairs, and into my bedroom to try them on.

Big surprise, they fit.

I look at myself in the mirror I had set up. White button-up shirts, dark navy skirts, and blazers, with the Edgeton logo on them. The only thing left to add was the white socks and black shoes. I put them on and cringe at my reflection. I look like an idiot. Someone who shouldn't be at this school to save a life.

I walk downstairs to show off my new uniform to Dad and instead am greeted by two other people in the living room.

"Lucas, Casey," I say nodding to the two men who work for my father. Their eyebrows shoot up when they see what I'm wearing. "If you even think about mentioning it, I'll kill you." Both raise their hands in a peace gesture.

"Hey, we're just looking, no one's going to mention anything," Lucas says smirking. I roll my eyes - they can be so insufferable - and walk into the kitchen to see Josie and Lincoln sitting on the bench talking to Dad.

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