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The door slammed shut behind me.


No. Constance can't be coming here. Not now, not ever.

I shove my bag on my bed before collapsing into my desk chair. Constance. Constance is coming here to my house. Tonight. In like three hours.

Cursing myself for not realizing Mom would've wanted to get together with Agatha and Cameron again, I open my laptop on my desk and pull out the email I'd received yesterday, but was too lazy to open. Phones technically aren't allowed during school hours, we still have them - duh - but computers and email are the best way to communicate without getting caught.

Mom had sent an email to both of us. Tanner is now hyped for Constance to come around, chanting about how she hasn't seen her for five years. No shit Sherlock neither of us have.

"Griffin!" Mom's voice calls downstairs. I open my door a crack and yell back.

"Yeah?" No response. "Yes, Mom?" I yell again.

"Griffin?" She yells again.

"Yes, Mom?" I yell back. No response, I sigh and walk downstairs trying to find her. Why do parents do this? Yell at you but never reply until you're in the same room.

She's sitting on her bed when I find her holding two dresses that look exactly the same. Now most people would say that 'they look the same' because they couldn't be bothered to actually look at the dresses. But when I tell you these are exactly the same, they are. They are the mirror image of one another.

"What Mom?" I ask. She huffs and holds the dresses closer to me.

"Which one?"

"What do you mean?" I raise my eyebrows. She can't be serious, even then why would she ask me? She's got a fashionista diva of a fifteen-year-old daughter, why ask me?

"Which one looks better."

"They look the exact same mom."

"And? Which one should I wear?" She questions looking determinedly. I literally have no idea, but point to the left one. She groans and looks at it again. "I think I'll go for the other one."

I sigh and stand up from the bed, "Okay Mom, you do that." I have zero energy to deal with this shit.

I walk back out into the hallway and and met with a bundle of fur crashing into my legs. I pick Dahlia up. The little golden retriever licks my face and squirms in my grip.

"Hello, Dahlia," I say patting her. She seems to like it and snuggles into my arms.


"Yes?" I call back.

"Can you come up and help me pick out a dress? I want to look pretty for Connie tonight!" I sigh again and make my way up the stairs, this is getting ridiculous, why are they asking me?

"What?" I ask when I kick open her door - my arms are still occupied with a now-sleeping Dahlia.

"Which looks better?" She holds up a light blue dress and a black one.

"Mom's wearing black."

She drops the black one and puts the blue one back inside her closet. "I'm super excited you know?"

I do. "Why?"

"I haven't seen Connie since you were twelve and I was ten. It was always you and Connie, Connie and you. I was sorta just there. Now I'm older I think maybe I can hang out with her a bit more."

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