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I'm covered in blood.

It sticks to my clothes and skin making me fight the urge to gag. There is a puddle of it around my feet and splashed across the wall, the floor - everywhere.

I turn to look at the culprit of all this blood.

He's got a smile on his face, looking at me with narrowed eyes. The rest of them are smirking at me, watching as the school stares at me.

I wonder how quickly I could have them on their asses before I get in trouble. Instead, I settle for unnerving them. I bring my hand up to my mouth and lick the blood of my finger slowly. It tastes metallic and gross but I don't let that show on my face watching as their smiles turn to grimaces.

"Thanks for the snack pretty boy," I say and walk straight into them smudging blood over their spotless uniforms. A trail of blood follows me as I make my way to girls' showers to wash some of this shit out of my hair.

I don't even know if it's real blood or not, even then, how early did they come into school to set up the trap? I had to step on a fucking tile to set it off. And I stupidly did even after I noticed it was uneven.

Gone was the boy who helped Quinn and me escape from the creep in the park on Saturday. I was woken up on Sunday by him, Jaiden, and Tanner leaving - that would seem reasonable until you know that it was fucking five in the morning. I wasn't particularly happy about being woken up at that time either. We had all fallen asleep watching some random movie that was chosen after we finished Cinderella.

So Griffin and I are mortal enemies again - yay!

I pull out my phone and send an emergency text in the group chat to Quinn, Evie, and Macey.

They replied all at once:

M: Where u at girl?

E: u serious? I got a spare uniform.

Q: i'm on my way, i swear to god if i see any of those dicks they gonna be fucked up.

They found me pretty easily, just had to follow the blood trail. All three were wearing shocked and disgusted faces.

"Oh my God! You were serious!" Evie says her dark hair bobbing with each word. She shakes her head and pulls out the spare uniform from her bag.

Macey instantly takes my hand and drags me into the shower, "Girl get this shit off you," She turns the tap on, and water sprays over me she steps back not wanting to get caught in the spray but leaving the door open so we can still talk.

Quinn was staring at me and she suddenly grins like a little shit. "Connie, where's your phone?" I point to the counter with my jewelry and phone sitting on it, I had taken them off as soon as I got into the room.

"Why? Why do you need it?" I ask as Quinn picks it up and does something on it before putting it back down.

"I'm texting a very valuable acquaintance," Quinn smirks. I continue washing the blood off me and the girls start to run pace the room coming up with revenge plans.

"We could egg his house?" Macey suggests.

"Nah, too much effort and I don't wanna get my outfit dirty, I think we should hit them all," Evie says.

"What about-" Macey is cut off when the bathroom door is shoved open and someone walks inside. I can't see who it is but Quinn seems to perk up.

"Ah, you're here!" she smiles and walks the girl over into my line of vision.

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