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I look at my outfit once more in the mirror.

Black shorts, a white tube top, a black jacket over top, with white air forces. On the back of the jacket is a large neon-red crown. Evie smiles at me in the mirror. I turn around and look at the girl lounging on my bed as if it was hers. She's wearing the same outfit as me except for the blue crown on her jacket.

Beside her bed is the bag with two changes of clothes - one for each of us.

"Face it Con, we both look hot." I smile at Evie's childish grin. We do.

I spin around again and grab my keys off my desk as Evie picks up the bag and the masks off the bed. She shoves them both into the bag and we make our way downstairs. Dad is out on a call-out tonight so we have the entire house to ourselves. Which is good - except when I'm trying to convince Quinn that I'm not a Night Queen.

Josie is on Connie duty tonight. I was expecting her to show up at my door with movies and popcorn but she just flicked me a text saying she couldn't make it and not to burn the house down or get in trouble. The first one I can do. The second? We'll see.

Evie makes it out of the front door first, I shut it and stuff the keys in my pants pocket - where they can't be stolen without me feeling it. We both get into Evie's car and Evie pulls out of the driveway.

We were leaving at least half an hour earlier than needed. Quinn and Macey are arriving together later when the races start. It was a mission to convince Quinn to get ready with Macey, but eventually, she agreed when Evie said she'll come with me to "keep an eye on me".

The drive to the race tracks was short a five-minute drive at the max. Evie drove us around the back, parking in a hidden garage designated for us tonight. We get out of the car and are instantly greeted by bear hugs from the others.

"Hey, bitches!" Imogen says squeezing me.

"Hey Immy," I say hugging her back. Another person throws themself into the hug - Lennon.

"You are not going to believe this Con," She says detaching Imogen and hugging me herself.


"The race track is loaning out their cars to us tonight." I freeze and look over at Evie to see if she heard Lennon.

"Are you shitting me?" I ask moving around to give Adeline a hug as well.

"Nope," Addie says wrapping me in a hug her perfume wafting up nose.

I break away from the hug and turn to see Immy and Lenny grinning. "Follow me," Immy says and leads the way out of the garage into a hallway. I met Imogen and Lennon at a drag racing event in some random town I forgot the name of when we were fourteen. We each challenged the winning competitor and won. Evie and Adeline ran into the three of us when we started showing up in masks and calling ourselves the Night Queens. I must say, at fourteen we were developing quite a reputation for ourselves. They had caught Immy and me putting on our masks, and we had challenged them - if they could beat the infamous driver at that event they could join our crew. They did and the rest is history.

So now we're standing here at seventeen and eighteen hosting our own race night, with a race track that is loaning us cars. A bunch of teenagers.

"So miss Connie-bonnie," Lennon says brushing her auburn hair out of her face. "What's happening in your world?"

"She's started a war with Griffin Prescott," Evie cuts in sending me a knowing look. These girls know firsthand about Griffin leaving - just not the other shit.

Edgeton PrepOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant