Chapter 24

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Mr. T. stood over Emily gripping her high in the air. The suspenseful motion left James almost breathless. He watched as Mr. T. hoisted her into the ceiling and then down again on the ground. Slam. Again. Slam. She cried out in pain and yelled for him to stop. But he didn't. She was casted in the green smoke, which was propelling her up and then down again. The green smoke burrowed around on the floor--barely touching them.

Cassedee looked at James with wide eyes, motioning for them to do something. But James wasn't sure what exactly.

We have to do something, her eyes said. We have to save Emily. She's the only answer we have.

She was right.

He nodded.

Then whispered.

"I'm not sure what exactly."

Cassedee gripped James's hands against her face and gave a weak smile.

"I think you know exactly what to do." she said quietly. Her hands dropped to her sides and suddenly, her wings sprouted out. She grinned and her talons–sharp as ever–extended quickly out of her fingertips.

Her eyes began to glow a yellow tint, with flecks of gold. James had never seen this before. It was mesmerizing. She was no longer Cassedee Blaniski. She was Cassedee–hawkeye sharp tooth.

And he was James. Great Sorcerer of Light. Suddenly, his hands started to glow. Brighter then they did when they were first in the cave. Time seemed to move slower here–in this place, and that worried James. What did their world look like now?

James couldn't pin-point how long they had disappeared for but he feared it was decades.

His dark brown hair turned a clear white as it glowed the same light that shot from his fingers. His skin was no longer the color of a pale tan. It was now the color of gray, with small flecks of silver mixed in. He looked down at his hands.

James moved them around–he could see every vein, every nerve move along with each twitch. What was happening?

They seemed stronger in this house. James felt more alive. More in control of his powers.

Cassedee was half-human, half-hawk. Her nose now a beak and her mouth now intertwined. Her eyes still that flashy yellow. They flickered.

"Do you feel that, Cass?"

There was an undeniably force of energy that surrounded them. Almost beckoning them to stop what Mr. T. was doing to Emily. They needed her. They needed answers. It was time.

"Yeah. It's—"

But Cassedee couldn't finish her sentence. There was an explosion in the stall next to them. Rubble and dust blew up at them, in their faces and they took cover almost instantly.

James peered around the corner and was met with the hard stare of Mr. T. He flinched. He shot up like a rocket and extended his arms out.

White light filled the room and surrounded the evil man. James was fighting. Mr. T. was too powerful but he refused to give up.

Cassedee came out of nowhere–swooping in through the green smoke and passed the beams of light.

Her claws out, ready to strike.

She came down fast on Mr. T. but she wasn't fast enough. He extended his bony finger out and the nail grew into a blade.

He slashed at her but she darted his swings.

She circled back around and clipped his side.

The green smoke got darker and the flames began to rise.

Caught In TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora