Chapter 12: The Cave

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She came out of nowhere. Or what looked like nowhere. Right out of the darkness she went flying through the air on what looked like a vine or a rope—Cassedee couldn't tell. She ducked just in time as the wild woman came swinging through.

She had a sword with her that was dripping some sort of liquid from it and tattered clothes of what looked like a dress. Or what was left of a dress. Gold and silver etched into it and gold high heels hung on her feet

Her hair was matted and dirt covered her face. Red lipstick smeared everywhere on her and her makeup was running. She was covered head to toe in dirt and soot although Cassedee couldn't understand why.

She yelled a high pitched yip, almost animalistic even and swung at the animal. The beast ducked and she gripped the sides of the cave, anticipating the beast's next move.

She hung in the corner for a moment, her teeth barred at the creature ready to strike.

She swung again, this time clipping the beast right under its chin. The creature cried out, not knowing what to do next. It staggered for a moment, yelling out in pain. The woman was basically a walking skeleton, thin as thin could be. Her eyes were sunken in and her teeth looked like they had sharp edges to them. 

What if she was a vampire? What if she was trying to ward off the beast so that she could drain the two of them? 

Cassedee could feel her heart fluttering and palms beginning to sweat. Her feet tingled as she surveyed her situation. 

If we run, we might trigger predatory instincts in both of them. If we stay, we may die.

If we stay, at least we will die trying.

Then it spoke. A deep low voice echoed through the cave--the voice made Ethan and Cassedee jump. It sounded like Nole but it wasn't at the same time. The voice was a low guttural growl, almost crying out hoping that someone would notice it finally.

Suddenly, the beast merged from the darkness and slowly walked towards them. It's eyes were shining yellow and it's teeth were a bright white. Shimmering in the darkness. It looked like a radioactive wolf. It was huge.

Ethan blinked which made the cave go dark for a second, then the light shined on the woman that was still hanging in the corner.

Then, without warning, the wild woman that was in the corner swung again from the vine and landed on the ground with a thud. Her hair was sticking out everywhere--it was matted and filled with what looked like clumps of dirt.

Cassedee whispered to Ethan, "Quick, swing your eyes towards her. Let's see what she really looks like."

Ethan turned around halfway to face the woman, not fully as she did not want to blind her but just enough to see what she looked like.

Soot covered her face, only missing where her eyes were. Even her eyes looked dirty.  They were sunken in and she looked like a skeleton. Cassedee noted what she was wearing. It looked like a gold dress but it was old. 

Probably from at least the forties or fifties. Her shoes were caked in dirt and the pearl necklace that she was wearing was barely visible against the layers of grime that covered it.

She smiled at them, showing two missing teeth. The rest were a stark yellow. 

Cassedee revolted, imagining what her breath must smell like.

Her hair was sticking out everywhere--clumps of it knotted. 

Cassedee glanced a little at Ethan, he had the same look of horror on his face.

She dusted off her hands and extended one out.

Her fingers were dirty and her fingernails had inches of filth under them.

The beast settled beside the woman, sitting in a down position.

She patted the beasts side and the gigantic wolf creature

Cassedee hesitated, trying not to throw up.

Ethan suddenly stuck his hand out and shook the woman's hand. 

A small gesture.

Cassedee looked at him with absolute disgust. 

He shrugged and quietly said, "it's something my mom always taught me. Be kind to everyone and don't judge on first appearances."

He wiped the dirt from his hand on his pants  and gave a weak smile at Cassedee. He motioned with his eyes for her to do the same.

She winced and slowly stuck her hand out. The woman's grimy looking fingers extended outward towards hers.

Cassedee gritted her teeth and held her breath for what seemed like forever, the stink was unbearable.

She glanced down at her fingers, which were covered in dirt.

She wiped the dirt off onto her pants and she shuttered.

I can only imagine how long that's been sitting on her.

The  wild woman noticed this and offered a weak smile.

Her teeth were stained orange and yellow and she was grimacing.

It looked like she hadn't brushed them in years.

The woman adjusted her dress and tried patting down her matted hair.

She smiled again, this time words escaped.

"My name is Emily."


Some Discussion Topics:

Do you think the raging beast is in fact Nole? Their dearly departed friend.

How did Emily come into play? How long has she been there?

Do you think they will finally get to meet the infamous Mr. T in the next chapter?

Comment your responses below!

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