Chapter 3: The Prank

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"Yes! I win again!" Nole was absolutely creaming James at Combat Warrior Three: Revenge of the Aliens. Nole had just gotten this game two weeks ago on the release date. James remembers because they had waited outside the video game store all night long. They had brought a tent and everything. Even sleeping bags.

James's parents weren't exactly rich so it was nice going over Nole's house. He had a flatscreen in the basemen with surround sound and gaming chairs. Headsets, controllers. It was a nerd's dream come true.

The shooting sounds came from the speakers and James could hear the character crying out in pain.

"Man, can you believe that Mr. Barton would give me detention. I was literally two minutes late."

Nole shrugged his shoulders as he pressed the controllers button. James watched as his character died for the fourth time.

"I don't know man. You were late a bunch of times...and I won, again."

James tossed the controller he had in his hands and flopped back into the couch.

"You are really going to take Mr. Barton's side?"

Nole shook his head. "Not his side, dude. I'm just spitting facts." 

James got up and stretched. He made his way to the back of the basement. The old refrigerator hummed as it held onto dear life.

James swung the door open and could smell the must. He grabbed another can of watermelon fuzz energy drink and opened it.

"You know, you've really gotta replace this."

Nole glanced over at James and nodded. "I know man. But my mom doesn't want to get rid of it. Says it has sentimental value or something. I'm not even sure. It belonged to my grandpa."

James looked perplexed. "Your grandpa?" He took another swig of his drink and sat back down on the couch.

It was cold and exactly what he needed. He chugged half of it and made his way back to the couch.

Nole was still focused on the game. Playing solo now.

"Yeah, did I ever tell you the story of what they think happened to my grandpa? Some fourty years ago?"

James placed the drink on the coaster on the coffee table and sat up now.

He shook his head.

Nole paused the game and carefully put the controller on the end table next to him.

"Apparently, according to my mom, he went out to get some more salsa and chips for the birthday party they were throwing for my mom. And I guess, well, he never came home."

He cleared his throat. 

"They never found his body, or car. Nothing. Poof, like magic." He motioned with his hands as if presenting a magic trick.

My mom still to this day doesn't know what happened to her dad. For a long time she believed that they had abandoned them but my grandma doesn't think so. You know the crazy thing is, he disappeared before I was born. They still have hope that he's alive...but I have a different theory."

James raised an eyebrow and moved further back into the couch cushion. 

"This outta be interesting."

Nole cleared his throat as if he were presenting a project before the class.

"Well, you know that old manor up on Cresent Hill? The one that's had that rumor going around  for like close to one-hundred years now?

James considered this, "The one about the cult that kidnapped all those people and murdered them?"

Nole chuckled and shook his head, "Well, that's one theory. But not mine..."

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