Chapter 8: Police Station and the Manor

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"Ethan!" Cassedee whispered loudly. The door to the police station was locked. Ethan was a scrawny kid with glasses and short black hair. He was tall and thin, with a tiny mustache that formed into a triangle on his chin.

"Relax, I got this. I've done this a bunch of times." He was trying to hop the fence and Cassedee knew it wasn't going to work.

They were in the back of the station, trying to get into it. The side door was locked and the only way was through the small window to the left of the building. The dumpster was under the window--which meant they had to climb onto that and push one another up.

This was going to be impossible Cassedee thought to herself.

She stood there hands on her hips waiting for Ethan to fall. He was halfway up on the fence part, one leg over the top the other foot supporting his weight.

He glanced down at her, steadying himself.

"You do realize you'll also have to do this, right?"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, but right now, we've got to get you over the fence that way you can push me up to the window."

"Alright, alright" he said quickly.

Ethan steadied himself carefully and then swung the other leg over.

He did not land gracefully.

"Ouch! That really hurt." He was rubbing his bottom.

Cassedee let out a cluster of laughs.

'Yeah, yeah. But when it happens to you, I get to laugh too."

"Okay, fair deal." Her laughter quieted as she attempted to climb the fence.

"Wow, this is harder then it looks."

"Told you."

Ethan managed to get up and dusted himself off from the dirt on the ground.

He backed up a little bit and studied the fence.

"Now, just carefully put your feet in the slots and when you get to the top, you have to swing yourself over making sure not to distribute all your weight otherwise you'll fall. Like me." He said the last part quietly.

"Okay..." she said as she reached the top.

"Swing my leg over, like this?"

He shieled the parking lot lights with his hand.

"Yeah, exactly like that. Now balance yourself in the middle while holding onto the railing in the center of the fence."

"Okay, I think I got it."

Cassedee steadied herself on the railing's middle part, and swung her other leg over. She was gripping the bar, determined not to fall like Ethan. She did not want him laughing at her. He would never let her live this down.

"Uh, Ethan. What do I do now?"

He took a deep breath. "Now you jump."

She was clinging onto the side of the fence now, her fingers tightly placed in the slots and her toes struggling to stay put.

"Jump?! You didn't say anything about jumping."

Ethan gave her a blank stare.

"That's because I fell, don't you remember?"

Cassedee let out a giggle, "oh yeah. Now I remember."

"Alright, here goes nothing." She braced herself for impact.

Letting go of the fence, she landed on her knees. Her hands took most of the force.

"Jeez..." she said now talking in the dirt.

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