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Season 1 - Episode 8

[Coming Through In Clutch]

Sara and Skylar had just gotten done with their laundry. They had to organise their stuff because they accidentally took Bree's sweaters occasionally. When they were finished they walked down the stairs and almost got run into by Oliver.

"Guess what, Skylar?" Sara stepped around the two of them. "It's Clutch Time!" Oliver yelled and then ran around Skylar.

"It's like I'm not even here," She joked and sat on the couch beside Kaz.

"It's okay, we feel the same way but with you and Chase." Bree gestured to her brother. He took a bite of his apple and shook his head.

"Was he flirting with me or threatening me?" Skylar asked. "I can never tell with his little boy energy."

"Yeah, don't worry about it he's just meeting his hero who's in the summer Olympics," Kaz explained. Sara sat up.

"Wait the summer Olympics?"

"Girl from another planet question, what are the summer Olympics?" Skylar asked as she sat down on Sara making the girl scoot closer to Kaz.

"They're a series of events by the world's best athletes the winner takes a gold medal, second takes silver, third takes bronze," Bree explained.

"Oh, they have that on my planet too. Except on my planet, they don't hand out medals. There is you get second they melt down your bones to build a podium for the winner," Skylar smiled as she looked over at Sara.

"I would love to see what a day in your life would be like."

"Anyway, our Olympics represent the sport in the truest form, there's pageantry, sportsmanship, and super hot guys from countries I've never heard of," Bree smirked. Sara sat forward catching her attention.

"I've met a few of the past Olympic winners, the president would meet with them and he would let me come out too. He also made me watch them every year."

"Didn't you live in a government basement?" Kaz asked. Sara nodded.

"I've always wanted to compete in the Olympics, but my bionics would give me an unfair advantage." Chase set his water bottle down on the centre table.

"I could arrange for you to compete on my planet," Skylar offered. Sara patted her shoulder.

"He's good."

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