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Season 3 - Episode 19

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Season 3 - Episode 19

[Face Off]

"Sara! Sara!" Bree ran over to her dragging her over to the boys. "Guess who just asked me to winter dance?"

"I'm not going to guess 'cause I won't know." She narrowed her eyes.

"Jake Chambers."

"Jake Chambers! The Jake Chambers!" Chase smiled. Bree nodded excitedly.

"Who's Jake Chambers?" Sara asked.

"The cute guy that we always talk about," Bree grabbed her hand.

"Ohhh." Sara smiled. "Seriously, wow, I'm happy for you Bree."

"Wait someone actually asked you to the dance?" Adam laughed.

"Yeah, he's the first guy since everyone found out we were bionic. I mean no one really wants to date a girl that might be revealed at the next auto car show."

"Yeah no one wants to date me either," Chase signed. "I haven't even been asked."

"That's cause you should do the asking."

"He'll be denied." Adam laughed.

"Hey, you don't have a date either?" Adam frowned and walked away from them.

"Wait so is this dance going to be like the ones that we always watch?" Sara asked. Breeze nodded and they both clasped hands and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Oh hey Sara, can I talk to Bree for a second," Jake came over. Sara gave her a thumbs-up and backed away.

"Where is Adam?"

"Attention everyone this is your principal Perry speaking, would everyone please crowd around the lockers to see Bree make a fool of herself." Adam appeared from Perrys' office and Sara hit him in the head three times.

"Careful you'll damage my hair," Adam held his head.

"See how he didn't say brain," Chase smirked. Sara glared at him too.

"Why would you do that?" Bree asked as she hit his arm too.

"So what is this dance going to really be like?" Sara asked Chase. He tilted his head back and forth.

"Knowing us, really odd." Chase offered. "No one has asked you either?"

"I'm fine with going by myself," Sara defended as she looked around.

"But you don't want to."

"No." She grumbled. "I just want to have a normal teenage girl night. It's my first school dance ever. The likelihood of that happening is zero though with you people."

"I can try and solve a few of those problems," Chase tilted his head.

"Mhmm, how?" Sara sighed.

"Since we both don't have people to go with, let's just go together," Chase asked. He tried to make it sound nonchalant, but his panic seeped through as his cheeks blushed.

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