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Season 4 - Episode 14

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Season 4 - Episode 14

[Bionic Action Hero Pt. 2]

Sara woke up strapped to a table. She tried to pull her arms free, but the restraints were too tight already. She couldn't phase through them either.

"Someone's feisty," Giselle walked in. Sara was lying on her stomach on the table so they could access her neck. "Maybe a little eager to get your chip ripped from your neck."

"You know, if you're so smart, why don't you just have a chip extractor?" Sara asked as she struggled to lift her head. "Hmm, you mustn't be that smart then, so maybe wait a few more years before trying to take over?"

"Shut up," Giselle pushed her head down onto the table. "Ripping it out of your neck will be easier than killing you afterward."

"Sure, sure, but it will be messier," Sara tried to lift her finger, but she struggled when she felt something cold on her neck. There was commotion from the other room making Giselle sigh.

"I give them one instruction and they screw that up," She huffed. "Watch her." Giselle left the room as the doors shut behind her. Sara turned her wrists over and over until they were rubbed raw, she was at a disadvantage with the positioning of her body.

"Come on," She took a deep breath and focused. "Striker, I could really use you right now." She could feel the familiar pull.

"Why are we stuck in a chair?" It was her voice, but she hadn't said it. "I can't get up."

"Use your strength, idiot."

"Don't call me that." Striker snapped. She got up and looked back down. "Oh well I mean that works too." She laughed. Sara tried to sit up, but couldn't.

"What the hell?" She looked over her shoulder seeing Striker smirking down at her. "How did we do that?"

"Well, you animated me outside of the restraints." She smirked.

"Great, now help me." Sara struggled.

"Not yet," Striker cracked her back. "I'm going to look around for a bit."

"If we lose this chip, you're gone too," Sara pointed out. Striker waved her hand in the air. "Striker!"

"Shut up, Sara. You'll be fine." Striker moved toward the door, but she couldn't phase through. "What the hell is this?"

"We are each half of the other, get over here," Sara demanded, but Striker left the room as the door opened. "She's going to get us killed."

"Chase," Striker sang to herself as she went around a corner. She saw an android standing there as he turned. "Uh oh. Hello there," She went stiff and walked forward. "Would you mind showing me–?" He swung at her. "Okay, fine." She blocked his hit, and when their arms hit she grimaced from the metal hurting her skin. "Dude!" She stumbled back holding her arms. "What is wrong with you?" He swung at her again but she dodged him. There was a yell from the other room and Striker used her phasing ability to instead jump into the android. It felt weird, but she walked him into the main room.

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