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Season 3 - Episode 22

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Season 3 - Episode 22

[Rise of The Secret Soldiers Pt. 2]

Bree turned on the TV with an important news alert. It was a not appealing picture of the four of them on the screen as it says that they attacked the peaceful protestors.

"Great, now we attacked the public," Bree snapped.

"Well, they were attacking Leo!"

"What were you thinking using your Bionic arm?" Davenport asked him.

"In my defense, I wasn't thinking."

"Never mind him, how could you attack those people?" Chase turned to Adam.

"I didn't attack them, I just wanted them away from Leo," Adam defended himself.

"Well, good job you sent ten protestors to the hospital."

"I didn't hear an ambulance?"

"No. you blew them to, the hospital!" Bree yelled as she pointed in the direction of the hospital.


'I'm an idiot. There wouldn't have been an angry mob of protestors if our mission leader had done his job right?" Adam shot back.

"Don't throw blame on him."

"Really I'm always saving your butt, if it weren't for me you would have already lasered your own face off by now," Chase argued.

"Why don't I laser my ears off so I don't have to listen to your stupid voice."

"What are you complaining about, I'm always the one that has to go on a mission with the two of you morons!" Bree yelled. It was like Sara wasn't even there, that she wasn't even a part of the team.

"Then quit. You've done it before do it again." Chase yelled at her.

"Really? You're going to pull that one out. Well if I remember correctly you went on a mission alone, Mr. Avalanche."

"So I'd be better alone than with you dead weights!"

"Enough! Stop! Your selfish behavior has caused enough issues. Something has to change." Davenport looked at Sara.

"There is a reason you work together so well when you do at least," They all turned to Sara. "Chase, you're the leader because you have the logic. Adam, the muscle obviously, and Bree you equalize them. You all mean everything to each other, but you are a balance, so you have to work together for missions to work." They each looked at each other and then looked away crossing their arms like children.

"What about you?" Bree asked. Sara just shook her head.

"We're sorry we got you hurt," Adam muttered. "And yelled at by the president."

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