Chapter 20

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Katie's POV 2 Weeks Later

I sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV. We got from Puerto Rico the other day and Oliver had a few things to take care of in Starling so here I sit, doing nothing. My eyes land on the news channel. The anchor was talking about an explosion at Iron Heights.

"It seems that there was only one causality at Iron Heights. The police and firemen reported that there was a small explosion in a cell that was targeted. The cell was of Henry Allen who was presumed dead." The anchor reported.

I dropped the remote and the bowl of chips I was holding. I ran upstairs and packed a bag that consisted of: my suit, bow and arrows, Max's equipment, food and water, and my secret stash of money. I ran back down the stairs and froze.

What am I doing? No I have to go. I need some time.

"Dad..." I whispered to myself. "Max let's go."

I kicked my motorcycle to life and sped off for the hangar with Max running beside the bike. I ran into the hangar and met the pilot of Oliver's private jet.

"Katie! How are you?!" Captain Wallis said shaking my hand.

"I need you to do me a favor. Can you take me somewhere?" I asked breaking down into tears. "I...need some time..."

Oliver's POV

As soon as I heard the news that Henry was dead I rushed over to Central City. I let myself in to Katie's house and saw that the TV was still on. Chips were spilled all over the floor and Max's cage was open.

"No..." I whispered and tore up the stairs.

I pushed her door open and scanned her room. A ton of her clothes were gone along with her suit and her bow and arrows.

"Where'd she go?" I asked out loud and pulled out my phone dialing Barry's number. "Barry? We have a problem."

"Oliver I'm busy. Didn't you see the news?" Barry growled.

"It's about Katie. She's gone. Meet me at my hideout back in Starling. Felicity is the only one who can find her." I hung up and ran out the door.

I sped back to my hideout to see Barry already there leaning over Felicity as they looked at a computer.

"Did you find anything?" I asked putting my helmet on the table.

"'s like she disappeared off of the face of the planet." Felicity replied. "No traces of taking money out of the bank. No flight plans. No dog crap by the docks."

"What if she was kidnapped?" Barry suggested.

"No no that wouldn't happen. She must've ran. Needed time or something." I said crossing my arms and resting my chin in one hand.

"Oliver remember when the Glades were destroyed and Tommy was killed?" Felicity asked.

"What are saying?" I raised an eyebrow.

Felicity gave me a 'really' look.

"What?" Barry glanced between the two of us.

"I know where she is!" I exclaimed. "Book Barry and me a flight right away."

"Where'd she go?" Barry demanded.

"She went to Lian Yu..."

End of Book 1

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