Vol. 2 Gangbuk (1)

Start from the beginning

What just happened?

Was Eli mad at you?


You wanted to atleast, hug him. One last time. Before you left.


You ran towards the guy, grabbing him by his arm.

But to your surprise, he immediately pushed you away. Narrowing his eyes as he sighed.

"Can you not do this right now? M/n."

He had an unfriendly expression. He glared at you as he pressed his head, before leaving again.


So Vasilyev did do something after all, judging by how he reacted.


You just stood there, a chuckle emerging from you.


It's for the best.

It would have been bothersome. If he decided to stay by your side and got hurt.


But what was this..?

Why were you crying?


You sniffled, wiping the tears that came out of your eyes uncontrollably. Perhaps, not being able to see Eli again.. And him resenting you made you even more hurt than you thought.

Who would've thought? The side character you got close to just because you were bored. Who knew you'd have grown this attached?

It's laughable.

You suddenly flinched as you heard footsteps.

"M/n.?..Are you-"

It was Daniel, with a concerned look on his face.

What happened? Why were you outside of the campus early in the morning, and crying at that?

".... Darn it."

He hurriedly rushed over to you as you continued to sniffle, cursing yourself for being a crybaby.

You came early in the morning just so you could avoid your friends and leave quickly, but despite that you still met the most important people.

And to top it all off, you were crying.

And Daniel always happens to catch you in these moments.

A blush formed on your face, before you ran out of there as fast as possible.

It's pathetic. You were being pathetic, crying just because Eli was treating you coldly. You just went ahead and made it a given that Eli was kind at all times, so it really shocked you. More than you thought.

Maybe. Maybe you thought Eli would have at least heard you out or something.




You ran and ran. And by the time you stopped, the sun was already setting. And you literally didn't know where the hell you were.

In the first place, how come you never got tired when running for hours on end?

You looked at your body again, your breathing still perfectly normal.


You couldn't believe it.

You ran for as fast as you could for hours, and you weren't even tired at the least?

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