In Taehyung's residency,
Hobi was really feeling guilty about everything so he went to Jin and Joon's shared room to talk.
Namjoon was dusting his bookshelf when Hobi came , he shockingly asked ," You? Up? At a saturday morning? At this hour? "

Hobi replied awkwardly, " Just wanted to talk. You guys up? "

Jin replied, " Ofcourse we are. We are early riser . Remember?"

" Yeah I know" , Hobi replied quietly.

Namjoon : " Hobi , I know you want to talk about something. So shoot. What's bothering you?"

Hobi :" Yeah you are right. I feel really sorry for Jungkook. And it seems to me that everything is my fault. If I didn't get that much drunk that day. Maybe everything would have been perfect. "

Namjoon : " I also thought about him . He is such a nice kid. But it's Tae's choice. We shouldn't interfere with his personal life. "

Jin : " But Joon how can we just watch everything silently! I mean Tae is family, shouldn't we put some sense into him. Although I am angry with him, but I just can't sit still and watch this."

Hobi : " He even treated my injuries, I owe him and I did wrong to him. Should I talk to him and apologize?"

Namjoon : " How? Do you know his number?"

Hobi : " Shit. I don't. I didn't think about it. Should I go to Tae and ask him? "

Jin and Joon both gave him an ' are you crazy? ' look.

Hobi : " Shit. What should I do? "

Namjoon: " Calm down hoba. We'll think of something together."

Hobi : " Actually, I don't understand. I thought Tae was in love. Like how he was changing for good. He didn't even hooked up with someone random in these months."

Jin : " Yeah. I thought that too . All the time he was in phone talking with him or telling us about him all the time. He also stopped partying. "

Hobi : " I even asked him if he was sure about him. And he said yes. The way he talked about him , like he was really special for him. He even asked me to help him asking out. He was so excited. I don't understand him. Why is he doing nothing?"

Joon : " And the way Jungkook looked at Tae. Did you guys noticed? Man! He was like head over heels for him. I feel for him. Really. I mean if I was in his position, I would have been devastated. "

Jin : " Yeah. He is devastated. I'm sure. I saw him that day after he left our house. I didn't tell you guys cause I thought you guys will support Tae . "

Then Jin talked about the day when he took the younger home.

Namjoon : " Wait a minute. You were the one who sent Jungkook's number to Tae. So you should have his number. "

Hobi : " Yeah. You're right. But it was a long time ago. I have to scroll down long. "

Namjoon : " It's better than having nothing."

Hobi : " Okay. I'm searching."

After ten minutes of vigorous scrolling on his phone, Hobi finally found the number he sent to Tae. He still hesitated for a bit but Jin and Joon both gave him an encouraging look . So he finally dialled Jungkook's number.

Hobi : " It's ringing guys. Hush hush."
Though no one was saying anything.

Jungkook was sleeping at that moment while cuddling with Miri. Yoongi took the phone and went to the kitchen cause he didn't want the ringing sound to disturb his sleep. He received the call and said,

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