○Happy Hotel○

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♪Birds flying high, you know how I feel♪

Eligos glided through the clouds, flying slightly higher than usual to avoid the denser ones. A couple oddly shaped birds quickly flying past him, most only supporting a singular eye. Their matted feathers clinging to their small bodies.

♪Sun in the sky, you know how I feel♪

He gently flipped over, staring at the giant pentagram in the sky, a bitter feeling in the back of his throat. How he wished to see the blue sky once more. . .

♪Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel♪

The large white wings pushed through the clouds with relative ease, allowing him to dip in and out, ignoring the squawks from the weird hell birds. His face completely blank, yet he still was able to belt out the words. An odd feature really.

♪It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me~♪

He laughed lightly, his wings wrapping around him as he started to spin upwards, creating a bullet like effect.

♪And I'm feelin' good~♪

He paused for a moment in the air, his wings snapping out as he just glanced down at the people below. How he hated them. But oh how he loved them.

The desperate need for companionship yet the crippling social awkwardness that had built up over the years of being avoided, only getting worse when Alastor left seven years back. No friends to be seen other then his little Liberi. The most recent extermination didn't help either, never did, the sinners avoiding him more than usual.

He sighed, gently floating down and resting on a cloud, watching the people below.

♪Fish in the sea. . . You know how I feel?♪

His head gently leaned against his hand, two void like blue spheres for eyes appearing on the surface of his face.

♪River running free. . . You know how I feel?♪

The sinners crowded around a display for TV's; Eligos could vaguely hear that annoying news anchor all the way up here.

♪Blossoms on the tree. . . You know how I feel?♪

He quickly jumped down to a slightly lower cloud. Wanting to be close but knowing he has to keep his distance.

♪It's a new dawn. . . It's a new day. . . It's a new life. . . For me~♪

Eligos could see some girl on the screen, talking to Killjoy about some motel, though Eligos truly wasn't paying much attention.

♪And I'm not feelin' so good. . .♪

The sadness in his chest grew, leaving an ache as it spread. Loneliness was cruel. It eats away at the soul, leaving wounds not easily tended to. If left alone for long enough, it leaves scars.

Anxiety. Depression. Fear of abandonment. Fear of being forgotten. Lashing out. Break downs.

Eligos was well acquainted with such feelings, the buzzing sound in his and the prickly feeling on his skin a constant reminder of what happens when left alone for long enough.

A flash of red finally caught his attention, a taller demon walking away from the large crowd. He recognized those antlers, that cane, that god awful suit. His skin cracked loudly as he smiled, quickly jumping from the cloud and completely nose diving towards the other male.

The sound of his wings alerted the sinners, most spinning around to see the seemingly holy being shooting down in their general direction. He ignored their looks. Their fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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