○Familiar Voice○

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It had been a year or so since he had fallen, and despite not having attacked anyone since, he was avoided.

Many looked at him with fear, even overlords avoided him, the stories of his holy light spreading across the pride ring, many assuming that he was an exterminator who decided that Hell would be his home. There were the assumptions that he was a fallen, but his blood was blue so it was ruled out rather quickly as well.

And yet despite that, the bright feathery white wings and golden halo kept everyone away. An overlord of the sky.

Now admittedly he had the smallest population of sinners in his "territory". Wings weren't as common as one might think, the ability to fly was a gift few got and those that had it either hardly used it or actively chose to stay on the ground.

Now there were those that stayed up in the skys, cloud houses being rather popular as they were extremely comfortable. Despite having the smallest population, they were the safest, and the only population that didn't have to worry about their overlord attacking them for no reason. Not only that, but the exorcists couldn't be bothered with the small group.

It was much easier to attack something that couldn't fly away from you.

Eligos was content with staying in his own cloud home, the other sinners avoided him like the plague anyway, even if he didn't attack them. He just didn't want them to look at him that way anymore. He hated their fear, or at the very least the reason for the fear.

Despite being content, he did feel lonely. Only a year had passed and yet he had not made a single friend.

Well other than Cornelius of course, or what was left of him. His soul clinging to one of the Liberi, giving it multiple eyes and small wings. It couldn't speak, but it was good company as Eligos couldn't unsummon him. With lots of energy, he could make Cornelius into what he once was, for a brief period of time that is, but his mouth was sown shut and despite having his personality in the form of a Liberi, it is seemingly lost once he returns to how he once was.

It was disheartening the first time it had occurred, it was an accident, one that only lasted about five minutes. During those five minutes the only thing that was seemingly different was the sky blue chain wrapped around the once alive sinners neck, that and the blank eyes and stitched mouth. Eligos vaguely recalls a burst of electricity before passing out, waking to see Cornelius in his normal Liberi form once more.

He had only done it a few times since, each time attempting to pull the stitches away from his mouth.

Eligos sighed softly, staring at the red sky whilst petting a snoring purple Liberi on his chest. His wings were spread out widely, taking up the majority of the pink cloud. His tail swayed softly, the feathers on the end flicking up bits of cloud. The sky taunted him, he hardly saw the blue sky and now he'd be stuck looking at this disgusting red one for eternity.

A loud static suddenly filled the air, followed by an explosion. The angelic sinner quickly sat up, catching the Liberi before it could fall only for it to pop out of existence. Leaning over the edge of the cloud, his solid blue eyes landed on what seemed to be a wendigo demolishing the city, large red radio dials shined brightly in its eyes.

Eligos hummed softly, flapping his wings before flying down, landing gently on a near-by building. He had far too much faith in his little visions to be killed by some little deer.

"Quite the ruckus you're making." His voice cracked slightly, most likely from lack of use.

When had he held a conversation with someone last?

The sinner snapped their head towards them, drool dripping from their mouth onto the ground. For the first time, he wasn't looked at with fear, an unknown feeling filling his chest.

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