<Paying for the experience>

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He drives me out to a run down area away from the studio but still close enough to the tower that you can see it tower over the other buildings.

The diver pulls up to the apartment Val pushing me out saying he'll wait for me to finish.

We do the same thing over and over ten times he had lied bout how many people paid for my service. I'm a sweaty mess each time he has me change into a new outfit for what the client "ordered".

I try to hide a bit cover myself up as a change while his eyes glare into my body watching my every move. 

"Last one Angie!" He says in a singsong voice pushing me out of the car holding a stack of cash in his hand. He pretends to count the bills as I fix my hair and slam the door. I make my way up to the room number scribbled on a piece of paper.

I knock opening a hand held mirror looking at the sweaty mess that is me.

The door opens a warm aroma wafting out. I look to see the man who opened the door.

"Angel! Welcome come in come in, Quickly." The security guard welcomes me. The guy who unraveled me from that first night a while back.

I smile taking the hand he's holding out letting him pull me in.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah?" I run my hands to my purse grabbing some chapstick applying it to my lips. "So what ya into?" I look down at him.

"Oh, no no no no no no. I'm not paying for that I just figured you'd need a break someone to talk to." He says leading his hands to his couch. I raise my eyebrows confused.

"Your not paying for sex?" I speak slowly processing looking at him.

"No, just Val seems kinda shitty to you. Figured you don't get breaks all to much." I roll my eyes folding my arms sitting down on his couch crossing my legs over his coffee table.

"You don't know shit about Val. He's great to me."

He sighs rolling his head on his hands. "You don't have to lie Angel where both under contract with the bastard." He says looking up at me.

"Yeah, but you don't know him like I do. He's great really." I assure him my voice slowly wavering by the time I finish my sentence. "I've met you like three times anyway. If there was a problem why would I open up to some stranger." I say mostly to myself trying to reason with my head, which is being torn on whether to tell him, or not.

"Just take me as a blank slate." He shrugs.

"Your really just paying to have me sit here and talk about shit?" Something clicks on my head that maybe I could get him to stop asking questions if I turned up the flirt. "C'mon I know guys like you. What they really want." I say changing my voice sitting up swirling my finger around his chest. "I bet there's part of you that really wants to get what he's paying for."  He stays straight faced.

"Not right now no. I can only imagine how many people you've been through before me. Frankly I don't want to use you like that."

"But I'm here for your use'n so might as well right?" I spread my leg on the other side of his lap straddling him rolling my hips slightly. He pushes me off. "What are you to good for me?"

He instantly starts shaking his head. "Not at all your to good for me. You don't even know my name." He says I slowly slide my legs down till my feet softly touch the ground.

"Well then what's your name big guy." I let my hand trail to the inside of his thigh squeezing it. 

"It's Casey, and what's yours? No way Angel is anything more than a stage name." I tense up taking my hand away.

"Doesn't matter just, Why aren't you into any of this?" I ask him desperately. I've never really had a guy reject me. "Everyone's banging down Val's door to get a piece of me."

"I care about people's well beings? I've seen you on set the way you react when Val yells whether at you or in general." He shrugs. "And I'm not a big fan of paying for chemistry. Come over some other time be real? Maybe I'll be into you then." He offers squizing my knee. "I think that's all the time I paid for. Maybe run abound a bit and mess your hair up." He winks at me standing up and opening the door for me, and handing me a wad of cash.

I smile at him kinda grateful he wasn't actually paying for the experience.

I run down the stairs breaking a bit of a sweat rub my makeup a little and ruffling my hair before walking out and entering the limo.

"I just had a great idea." Val says brightly as I slide into the limo.

"Wow, uh cool." I say to humor him as he goes on to explain his idea.

"Your on a train all alone, and a guy jumps on as a train robber, but he's not looking for money, but your virginity." He says all smily. My own smile wavers as I try to fake it. "Of course that means you have to play an innocent good boy role, but we can work on that."  He pats my head before wiping it on his robe making a disgusted face.  "Make sure to shower before you go to sleep tonight Angie. I wanna start filming in he morning." I smile and nod. I hate his ideas always do there always odd, and I don't know how his strange mind gets to where does.

"Okay yeah Val. Did I do good today?" I ask him fumbling with my thumbs.

He just shrugs taking a few moments before speaking once again. "Eh, could have done better seemed a bit lazy today. I like the little routine you put together for the club. Better make more money than you did today." I nod a hit of pain ringing through my chest. Of course I do everything he wants go with whatever he wants and I'm still not perfect enough for him.

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