<You Make Me Crazy Sometimes>

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Tw: this chapter has large themes of abuse

We form a routine the next day that includes us grinding up on each other surly to make the whole crowd jealous each of us gets to be so close to the other.

"You ready Angie?" I smile at the new nickname looking around us making sure no one else is in the wings reaching up to his cheek giving him a kiss. He chuckles leaning down grabbing my chin carefully lifting it up. I part my lips waiting for him to make the first move.

Instead the announcer echos throughout the speakers welcoming the two of us to the stage. I smile letting my hand linger on his chest before I Waltz out to the pole.

I begin the routine on my own before Val comes out the club erupting I cheers as they watch us. We twist and intertwine with each other spinning around the pole no doubt looking like some monstrous four legged sex appealing creature. Out two upper hands grab on the pole out legs interlocking spinning to many times to count while each of our lower arms explore the others body.

By the end we're both sweaty messes laying upon each other as the crowd whistles and whoops cheering for an encore as bills are thrown our way the stage guard sweeping it up.


From then on we decide to perform together, for the most part. Sometimes we will do solo routines though they don't rack in as much dough.

We've become sex symbols of hell. Our faces plastered across bill boards from our solo routines along with posters hung outside the club telling everyone this is where the two hottest topics in hell reside. Mrs. Perez is no doubt rolling in that cash, even if she had to hire more security guards.

We've become so popular the club fills within minutes of opening having to shut out many customers, who had been waiting in line. Some sinners have taken advantage of those, who are turned away. They've filmed our little shows pirating them into VHS tapes selling them to the desperate demons who still want to see us all hot and on top of each other.


"You guys have really gotten close." I startle turning around seeing Tony, who like every night is here in full drag.

"Yeah what's it to you?" I snap out rushing to my dressing room.

He grabs my arm, "Nothing just be carful around Val there's something, off about him." He looks at me seriously. I just laugh shaking his hand off.

"I should have fucking scene this, you jealous fuck. Your a jealous little bitch trying to ruin the one good thing I have." He grabs at my arm again forcing me to face him again.

"I am not fucking jealous Anthony, I am looking out for your ass. I'm dating the bouncer I have no reason to have it out for you, and the only good thing you have? How about this fucking job? Pearl remember her the girl you pushed away years ago? Me?" I scoff.

"The only good thing about this job is the money nothing fucking else." I rip my arm from his grasp barging into my dressing room he follows closely behind me.

"You know I've been fully okay with what you do here. Only because pearl told me to not say anything. You think your slick and smooth about the bathroom shit. People fucking talk Anthony the first guy that has ever fucking asked me told me 'that Angel slut puts out why don't you'. I was ready to beat your fucking ass. Pearl calmed me down, and yet you shut her out like she did nothing for you." I stand there speechless a mix of emotions flood me anger, sadness, worry. Angel is the anger the rest of the emotions are Anthony's.

"I-I don't want to." I cry out. "I didn't want to the first night I was working, they offered more money only for some lame ass dick sucking. They turned it on me made it more. They show up almost every week for more. They told people there was no way I could say no, they expected it." I cry out covering myself in my robe curling into a ball under the counter. Like a fucking baby.

"They didn't force you to take Dust before every performance Anthony." I says grabbing my hand.

"Stop fucking calling me that!" I yell at him he doesn't budge from where he is. "I- I needed it, I couldn't do any thing without it I wouldn't still be here." He nods hugging me. Comforting me. While I cry into his shoulder.


We sit there for a while I just let out all the pent up emotions out.

We didn't even notice when the door opened.

"Angel?" It comes out as a question first, but then he repeats himself, "Angel!" He says excitedly "I finally found you been looking all over." He's looking down at us. His voice almost to cheery for the way his eyes are darting into me. Tony, who was still hugging me, gets up leaving looking at me. Then shutting the door.

"Get your boney ass up!" I stand up dusting myself off. "What was that?" He asks walking closer to me.

"I just wasn't feelin good, I guess you could call it a breakdown of sorts." I mutter looking away from him.

"Are you sure? It looked pretty fucking intimate to me."  He says letting his fingers trail across my jaw turning my head back to his.

"He was just hugging me it was nothing." I turn around hugging my arms around myself looking at myself in the mirror tear stained makeup running down my face.

"Don't fucking lie to me Angel." He grabs my shoulder harshly flying me back around to face him. My body pressed up against him. "I'm fine with you fucking those sleezes out their, for cash. But if you think for one fucking second I'm okay with you running around with him!" His voice seethes with disgust as he talks about tonnt. He grabs at my my jaw forcing my face up to his. "Or , do I have to remind you how good I am to you?" He throws me onto the couch before jumping on top of me placing all his body weight on my body. I'm unable to move. I can't scream we have customers.

"How about I film this, hmmm." His fingers trail across me again. "Everyone knows your a slut, why don't they know how much of a slut you really are?" He grabs a camera filming me, and us.


I try to stay silent. He's rough today not his sweet self. Hitting me, choking, biting. He yells at me on why I'm not making any noise. Everyone "needs to know how much you love it" he said.


"Angel baby I'm so sorry, maybe I was to rough last night, and overreacted. That doesn't mean I don't love you. You make me crazy sometimes. I get jealous you know that." His voice mail reads. I stayed at the club that night and he went back to our place. I place the phone back on the receiver standing up everything hurting. I look in the mirror. Bruising around one of my eyes my neck left with marks from his teeth. My arms and legs scattered with back and blue as well.

I cover my eye with some powder then throw on a long sleeve turtle neck and some long pants. I grab my bag heading home.

Before I Met Them~ an Angel Dust fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now