<Anthony doesn't matter>

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I change into a pink long sleeve shirt, and some pajama pants grabbing the coat I wore earlier.

Her apartment is only a block away. She talks about some of the creeps she had to give dances to and some hotties and how she could've gotten the numbers of them if it wasn't against the rules. I keep quite avoiding telling her how I made all my cash.

I stuff my hands in my pocket. Feeling at the leftover cash. I left an envelope for Mrs.Perez in her office. 20% to the club the rest of the 2000 give or take for me, which will probably end back up in the club technically since I'd want to buy clothes and accessories. In the other pocket I feel the bag that let me make the money, but at what cost was that?

Her apartments nice as nice as you can get in hell I guess.

She guides me to the room I'll be in for now. It has a pink fluffy area rug and a large bed assumably a queen one.

"It's not much, but it'll be good for a little recharge. Mondays the club's closed. We use it as a day to form new routines, and such." She smiles at me before closing the door.

I flop down on the big bed. Taking the black comforter, and engulfing myself in it. Falling quickly into the darkness of sleep.


"Hey, how about we go shopping. I can't keep wearing stuff from the community costume bin." I groggily let out rubbing my eyes stretching out my lower arms.

"Yeah, that's a great idea. We just have to make time to choreography too." She beams at me before rummaging through her cabinets. "You want coffee?" She asks still facing the cabinet. I accept, and she grabs two mugs walking the short two step distance to her coffee pot already full of hot coffee. While she's not looking I sneak some dust into the mug. Continuing to sip on it. Not for a real reason I was just curious as to how it would taste.


"This is my favorite place to shop." She sequels out opening the door a bell chiming.

It's a little boutique with a shit ton of clothes filling the racks, and high ass heels lining the whole back wall exept for the door to the dressing rooms.

"Chloe good to see you," A lady at the counter bellows out. She's an older lady, who looks very similar to Mrs.Perez. "And you have a new friend." She looks me up and down, but with a softer gaze than everyone else has. "I don't have much clothing for four arms but I do have some over there. She points out to a rack across the room from her.

I nod to thank her, but ask "ya got six arms too?" I ask letting my last set of my arms out.

"Ooh yes next to the 4 arms. I have up to ten after that I got nothing else." She clarifies to me, but I just tell her that 6 is my max.

Pearl comes over, and helps me find some things till I have a pile in my arms, and a pile in her arms as well. I try on my stuff and after a while of her just saying yes to everything I show her I tell her to look for herself.

Half of the clothes are just to wear around, the other half is for when I'm really working. I tried to get a mix of woman's and men's clothes, but I'm finding the woman's clothing to be more attractive on me. I do get a couple button ups and some dress pants but the rest is all fun dresses, tops, leotards, and skirts.

I grab all the things I want and head over to check out but my eyes land on the best boots I've seen. Specifically for my hoof feet things. I drop the stuff on the counter. "One second." I go up and grab them trying them on in a heart beat. I spin and look at the little mirror on the wall.

"They suit you. You lit up when you looked at yourself." Pearl says coming out of the dressing room with two hangers. I smile and walk back over to counter.

She rings me up totaling to just over 1000 bucks. I pay with my cash from last night. Grabbing the bags from her.

Pearl gets rung up. I offer to pay for her as well since she's helped me so much in the few days I've been here, however she refuses and covers it herself.


Back at the club I make it my goal to rearrange Roxie's room from disrepair to usable by the beautiful Angel Dust. I wipe down the mirror. Taking out trash bags, and throw much of the junk on the counter into them.

I go around to the racks throwing away the tacky and stained clothes putting my new stuff on. I swipe everything off the coffee table not giving a fuck if anything important was on there.

I'll have to buy a new couch as the current one has been drained of its color and stained to the point the whole couch is basically a giant stain.

"Hey Anthony?" Tony starts as he opens the door. "Holy shit you really fixed this up. As much as you can I guess looks a helluva lot better." Putting his hand on his hip. He's in a shirt and shorts with heels. "We're gonna start choreo if you wanna join us." He says still clinging onto the door.

"Yeah sure I'll be out soon." I grab some new leather shorts I got and a heart scattered holster top. Putting my new heels on.


Tony runs me through some conditioning I can do to get better. Pearl helps me through doing a successful pole sit including taking my hands off trusting in my body, which helps her make a better routine for me with some actual pole spins.

I decide to have the pole unlocked making the spinning in my routine easier as they won't be static, and we work for hours on how it should go. I'm gonna preform for the main guests not a vip tomorrow, since Pearls taking that job.

We run through the routine quite a lot it starts off slow and seductive but quickly changes to a boomerang spin, which took me a while to get comfortable with. Stepping out into a pirouette going into some floor work climbing back to the pole and going into a sit spin from a wide leg approach. ( a mix of https://pin.it/1G0Af6CXU and https://pin.it/68kIQ6FmC)

Pearl says I look "hot", and Tony just nods. He's a tough shell, and I'm not completely sure if I'll ever break him.

"Good work today Anthony." Pearl says linking arms with me. "We'll come back to the club early to work some more, and if you feel uncomfortable with preforming so soon we can take over for you lengthen one of our performances, or add a longer intermission. Whatever you-" she spirals out, but I place my hand on her shoulder.

"I'll be fine. Angel Dust ain't afraid." I say as her smile drops.

"But is Anthony?" She looks at me.

I shake my head taking on the smile she lost. "He don't matter Angel's the one performing tommorow. Anthony will be left in the wings watching from afar." I smile and she lets the subject go moving on to talking about the VIPs for tomorrow.

Before I Met Them~ an Angel Dust fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now