i learned math (so i can learn love)

152 2 101

hello everyone! happy wednesday or whenever you're reading this i hope it's been wonderful :)

and also welcome to anybody new i might have here! i know a lot of people have joined the fandom since the new movie came out (i've been lurking for a hot minute bc i'm genuinely terrified of all of you) but welcome! i'm ezzy and as of last sunday i've been here for three years so welcome and i hope you enjoy my stuff :D

alrighty onto this lil dealio. please read the end note as well ! but for now tws fooooor:

-small age gap/power imbalance
-discussion of death
-mentioned alcohol
-smut towards the end
i think that's it but as always if i missed something please let me know so i can add it!

i've also decided to start including the date i first drafted each of my oneshots, just to avoid any confusion since a lot of the newbies here have similar ideas (great minds and all that), and so that the people who've given me requests know how long i've been working on them, and also just. maybe to bully myself into writing faster lmao.

enjoy :)
originally drafted on january 16, 2023


Janis wakes up on the morning of September first to a transcript of the entire opening scene from the Heathers musical sitting unopened in her text message thread with Damian. She sends back a middle finger emoji while she's still lying in bed with her hair rumpled over her pillow and only one eye open.

She desperately silences her phone and sneaks away to the bathroom when he calls her so the sound doesn't wake up her roommate.

"Hey," she greets, wincing at her reflection in the mirror and rubbing at her face like it'll get the morning puffiness to rub off with it.

"Hey. Back to the grind, huh?"

"Don't remind me," Janis grumbles. Damian happily lists off his classes as Janis brushes her teeth and washes her face. "How are you still excited about school? We're seniors in college. What didn't happen to you in kindergarten that happened to me?"

"I seem to recall a googly eye up the nose in your case that I did not repeat."

"Motherfucker, you spit swore to let me live that down."

"I was five, that's not legally binding."

Janis swears to herself when she realizes he's right.

"What do you have today?"

"I don't fuckin' know," Janis snorts as she starts her makeup. Primer roughly scrubbed over her face, concealer to hide some of the sleepiness, a light layer of foundation. She's only going to classes, not the Met Gala.

"You wanna find that out?"

"Not particularly."

Janis hears typing as she swipes on her eyeliners (plural) and mascara. She's a little concerned, but it's too early in the morning to care. "You have calc, that... brain and behavior thingy, and advanced projects in painting."

"... How do you know?"

"I have your login."

Janis starts to splutter out something about "you bastard" and "changing my password" before she gives up. It's Damian. She can't be too shocked. "You're a hassle."

"My life's work."

"True." Janis swipes on her lipstick. "We have anything together?"

"Not today. We have ballet tomorrow."

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu