i'll take you anywhere but dinner

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hiiiiiiiii happy wednesday

have this

based on the tumblr post above bc i'm real creative

also big thanks to parker (@/parkitaco on tumblr/Whyyyyy on ao3) for letting me borrow her brand lol. please go read their stuff bc they do it more beautifully than i ever could lol

tw for
mentioned sexual harassment
mentioned canon stuff (outing etc)
and as always if i've missed something please let me know so i can add it in!



"Do we have to go out this time, guys? I'm tired," Cady whines, fluffing her hair out after tugging on her Mathletes jacket.

"Yes," all of her teammates say at the same time.

"It's tradition, Africa," Kevin tuts. "We won, don't you wanna celebrate?"

"Ew," Cady groans as Kevin wags his eyebrows suggestively. "We're going to Sunshine's, not Hooters. Pervert."

"I got game anywhere, Heron," Kevin hums. "Let's roll out!"

"It's a block away, Kev."

"Heron, get off my dick!"


The diner is mostly empty since it's past midnight, so they all seat themselves in a booth and wait to be served. Kevin and Tyler immediately start dicking around, blowing straw wrappers at each other and pelting one another with the peanuts on the table.

After a brief wait, their waitress finally walks up to their table with their menus.

"Damn, girl!" Kevin says immediately after laying eyes on her. Cady looks up to see what he's on about this time and nearly chokes on her peanuts.

Their waitress is gorgeous. Tall, vaguely muscular, beautiful even in the unflattering uniform the employees wear. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, the ends of it a platinum blonde and the roots a brown so dark it's almost black.

She looks at Cady's motley crew, mirth twinkling in her coffee brown eyes and a smirk gracing her red-painted lips. Her makeup is darker than Cady thinks Sunshine's uniform allows, but damn if it doesn't work on this girl.

"Welcome to The Sunshine Diner, where the sun always shines, even if it's the middle of the night," she begins with a small sigh, clearly tired of repeating the schtick to every table. God, even her voice is beautiful. "My name is Janis, I'll be your server this... uh, morning. What can I get for you?"

"Your digits," Kevin says. Janis looks at him with a small grin.

"We'll see how well you tip," she replies easily, scrawling down their drink orders in her notepad. "Back in a sec."

"Kevin, quit skeezing on the waitress," Cady huffs as soon as she's out of earshot.

"Africa, I have been single since the eighth grade. I can and will shoot my shot anywhere," Kevin replies.

"Clearly," Cady grumbles.

"Ooh, is Cady jealous?" Marwan teases.

"No!" Cady says, too quickly, as all the boys laugh.

"You so are!" Aaron teases. "Want her to take you in the back and show you how they make their milkshakes?"

"Her milkshake would certainly bring all the boys to the yard," Tyler sighs, resting his head on his hand.

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now