i see stars

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hi friends!! happy wednesday!!
before we get into this i would like to thank my irl friends Nerd and Kween (i asked them each if they wanted to pick an alias, that's what they chose) for helping me write this and giving me scene ideas!!
tw for:
outing :(
and something that could be seen as a suicide attempt if you squint. it really isn't, but... it'll make more sense once you read it.
anyway, please enjoy!


At 11:11, Cady makes a wish on a star outside her window. She's just moved across the world, to Illinois from Kenya. She's never felt more alone in her life.

So, Cady wishes for a friend. Someone who will stick by her side through anything. Doesn't matter who. She knows it's a cliche to wish on a star, but she's desperate. She'll try anything.

She's not expecting to be woken by a blinding bright light at exactly midnight. She blinks blearily as she wakes, looking into the backyard. There's a girl about her age, bathed in the light.

Cady tugs on her hedgehog slippers and runs downstairs, able to approach the girl lying in her grass as the blinding light fades.

She doesn't seem to be breathing, but she gasps sharply and her eyes shoot open just before Cady can touch her.

"No, no, no," the girl says desperately.

"Um... are you okay?" Cady asks quietly, very confused by the last several minutes. The girl looks at her and screams, making Cady jump.

"You, who are you?" The girl demands, her blonde hair flowing behind her. Her eyes are glowing and her hair moves on its own. That's not normal.

"Um... I'm Cady. Cady Heron," Cady says confusedly.

"What the fuck have you done?!" The girl yells at her. "You made a wish, what did you wish for?"

Cady is almost crying in fear as this terrifying... person? yells at her. "Nothing, I just-I wanted a friend, I didn't-I didn't mean to do anything to you. Who are you?"

"I," the girl says with a sigh. "Am the star you wished on. Or I used to be, anyway."

"You what?! That can't... you..." Cady splutters. "But you're a girl."

"To you. This is my... Earthly form, you could say," the star replies. "You don't believe me. Here, touch me."

Cady tries to, pulling back with a yelp as her fingertip makes contact. She's burning hot.

"Ow! You couldn't prove it some other way?" Cady hisses, sucking on her burned finger. The star stands up, shaking off her white robes and combing her hands through her long blonde hair. Now that Cady looks closely, her hair is almost exactly the color of starlight. And there's still a sort of glowing aura around her. "Can anyone else see you?"

"They can now, thanks to you," the star spits. "That's a point, actually, hold on."

She waves her hands for a second, somehow removing the light emanating from her. Her eyes stop glowing and fade to a rather beautiful honey-brown, and her hair lays flat in waves down just past her shoulders. She brings her hands together to condense the light, and like a magician releasing a dove, reveals two gold bracelets that she slides onto her wrists.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to bring you here," Cady whispers. "Can I help you get back?"

The star sighs, seeming to calm herself. "You had no way of knowing this would happen. It hasn't for thousands of your years. You don't need to apologize."

"What did happen?" Cady asks in confusion.

"You made a wish at a very poor time for me," the girl replies, coming to sit by her on the grass. "But we don't have time to get into it now."

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now