guess who?

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happy wednesday friends!! i'm soooo excited to see your reactions to this chapter.
it was my birthday on monday (i'm 20 now. yikes.) but anyway! here's a fun chapter to celebrate.
spoiler alert for the title, it's a baby. so, trigger warnings for:
pregnancy/childbirth (i made it as non-graphic as possible)
mentioned infertility
mentioned miscarriage
pregnancy complications
i think that's it, but as always, let me know if i missed something and i'll add it in. otherwise, please enjoy!
Janis sighs heavily as she toes off her shoes. It's her birthday, but she still had to go to work and had an exceptionally long day teaching angsty middle schoolers. All she really wants is a lot of food and a good cuddle session with her wife, Cady.

Their pets come up to greet her as she takes off her jacket, demanding their daily scratches. Janis obliges, rubbing Elvira's head and scritching behind Daffodil's ears. Daffy shakes her head once Janis stands back to flip the light on. Her collar shifts, and Janis suddenly notices the note tied to it.

"Aww, Daffy, a message for me?" Janis coos, bending down again to untie it and petting them both one more time. She's not sure if her wife is home, since all the lights are off except the one in the kitchen. Maybe this will explain things. She unrolls it and reads,

Happy birthday, my love. First present for you in the bedroom ;) Love, C

"Hmm. Caddy?" Janis calls as she heads that way. She quiets when she opens the door. It turns out Cady is home, she's just asleep. She's on top of the covers and wearing one of Janis' jackets, which is their usual formula for a special night. The jacket is buttoned, which is a bit odd. Cady usually leaves them undone to show off whatever cute lingerie she's picked. But she's covered their bed in rose petals, that's a nice touch.

Janis doesn't want to wake her up yet, so she changes out of her work clothes in the dark. She hears a sleepy groan come from behind her as she tugs a comfy shirt over her head, turning around to find Cady mid-stretch.

"Hi, lovey," Cady yawns as she reaches for her. "Happy birthday."

"Hi, baby," Janis chuckles affectionately, coming to cuddle her and flipping a light on. "Thanks. How was your day?"

"Good! I got a lot done, and Daffy and I had a nice walk," Cady replies. "How about you, how was your day?"

"It was fine," Janis says with a small yawn. "Long."

"Aww. Would your present make you feel better?" Cady asks, stroking through her hair. Janis perks up a little at the reminder.

"Oh, yeah, what do I get?" She asks excitedly.

"You'll just have to unwrap it and find out," Cady purrs, gesturing to herself.

"You just woke up, are you sure-whoa, okay," Janis replies as Cady starts kissing her hungrily. Janis kisses back for a long moment before she starts working her way down, kissing and nipping at her neck.

She undoes the buttons one by one as she works her way down Cady's chest, until eventually she feels something other than her soft skin against her lips and pulls back in confusion. It's another message, painted across Cady's tummy. The top of whatever it says is just barely peeking out.

Frowning confusedly, Janis undoes the rest of the buttons in one go and pulls the flaps of the jacket apart, revealing the words,

Guess who?

Janis gasps and claps her hands over her mouth, letting out a happy sob. "Are you for real?! We-we're gonna be mamas?"

Cady gives a watery chuckle, already crying too. "Yeah, Jay, we are. I'm for real. Are you excited?"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now