just a farewell

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hello friends, happy wednesday! speaking of happy, this chapter is... very much not. i actually cried kind of a lot writing it. (happy ending though, don't worry!) i apologize in advance for any Emotions™ that i happen to cause.
trigger warnings for:
generic angst
poor management of said depression and anxiety
academic burnout
autistic meltdown/shutdown  
i think that's everything, but please let me know if i missed something. enjoy!

It's very hot.

It's the middle of July, and Janis is boiling even with her window open and a fan running full blast. She's always hated summer. Cady, on the other hand, doesn't seem bothered by the heat.

She does, however, seem very bothered by the other thing that the middle of July is bringing them. Janis is leaving for college in New York, and Cady is staying for her own in Illinois.

In September, when they first started applying for colleges, they weren't even together. They were crushing hard on each other, but not dating. They didn't even know what schools the other had applied to. By the time they started hearing things back, it was February and they had finally started dating.

They'd had a long discussion about how much they wanted their relationship to affect their decisions. They'd come to the mutual but rather upsetting agreement that, no matter how much they loathe the idea, there's always a chance their relationship won't last forever. Their educations would, and they both deserve the one that would be best for them.

So, Janis decided on an arts school in New York. Damian had actually chosen the same one, so they decided to rent an apartment in the city together. Damian is a performing arts major, and Janis decided to study art history and drawing, wanting to leave painting as her sacred art medium.

Cady's application process was rather more involved, since she had been homeschooled for all but two years and her parents had never done any kind of credit system. She'd had to take placement exams instead of basing things off of her transcript. She'd chosen to go to the University of Illinois, and had managed to get herself in as a junior in credits as a mathematics major. Regina is majoring in psychology there as well, and they had recently learned they're going to be roommates.

"I'm gonna take this down," Cady says quietly as she grabs a box by the door, sneakily before it can be taped shut.

"Sure thing, Peanut. Thanks," Janis says as she folds another shirt for the box she's packing.

Cady carries her box down the stairs and out to Janis' truck. She had snuck her Mathletes jacket over and hidden it from Janis. Cady tucks it safely in the box with a little love note and tapes it shut, then slides the box into the back of Janis' truck bed. She can live without it for a few months.


Janis is worried.

Cady has been acting oddly all month. She barely speaks, and when she does her voice is soft and monotone. She's been extra clingy, always needing some form of physical contact with Janis whenever they're together and seeming to panic slightly when she's not able to. And, Cady's been having more nightmares, regularly waking up either screaming or sobbing in Janis' arms.

But the worst part by far, the part that worries Janis the most: Cady hasn't smiled in almost a week. No matter what Janis does, she won't smile. Janis does understand. She's dreading the idea of leaving her girlfriend, but she's still worried about her.

She pushes the last box containing her bedsheets over by the door to be carried down later and flops down on her bare mattress. Cady comes back and scoots in next to her. It's too hot to cuddle no matter how badly they both want to, so Cady settles for hooking their pinkies together.

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