i'll be there for christmas

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hellooooo everyone!! happy holidays to everyone who celebrates something and happy day to everyone who doesn't!! i hope it's been wonderful :)

welcome to officially the longest thing i've ever written!! yeeha this is apparently the length of a novel so that's fuckin wild

and it's also a gift for my love. merry christmas (or whenever you read this :p) you're the answer to a wish i didn't know i was making and i'm so thankful every day that you came into my life. i love you so much <33

for the rest of you!! tw for
dysfunctional family dynamics
mentioned homophobia
mentioned outing
and as always if i've missed something please let me know so i can add it in :)



Janis wakes up to the sound of her ringtone.

Not her alarm. She has them set to different sounds. Her ringtone.

She groans and sits up in bed, brushing her dark hair out of her eyes and fumbling for her phone on her nightstand.

She huffs when she sees Damian's name and stupid picture lighting up her screen; her phone buzzing in her hand in a desperate bid for her attention. She hits the green button and puts her phone to her ear.

"What do-"

"Where the fuck are you?" Damian huffs on the other end. "It is nine fifteen, you are half an hour late for your shift, madam. It is the week before Thanksgiving, you know damn well everyone and their mother is getting coffee before they have to deal with their miserable families-"

"Fuck! Shit, Dame, I'm-" Janis begins, flying out of bed and throwing all her clothes out of the hamper to find her work uniform. "I overslept, I'm- shit!"

"Just get here, I'll cover for you if boss man shows up," Damian sighs. "This is the last time, though."

"I love you," Janis says. "I gotta go, gimme ten."

"Ten only."

"Maybe fifteen."


"Ten," Janis echoes, hanging up the phone and grabbing her work hat off its hook by the door. "Fuck my life."


Janis manages to make it out the door in three minutes flat. Her uniform is stained and wrinkled since she forgot to wash it, her hair and teeth aren't brushed, she didn't eat breakfast, and her shoes are untied, but she made it out the door in three minutes and that has to be enough on a morning like this.

She has her cap hanging out of her mouth as she ties her hair back in a lazy sort of knot, running the four blocks to the coffee shop.

She sighs when she sees it come into her view, bracing internally for... something. Every day is different. None of them are necessarily good. But they're all different.

She's about to open the door when it flies open at her. She stumbles backwards to avoid a face full of glass door and trips over her untied shoelaces.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" she scoffs to the woman who landed on top of her.

"Me?! You should tie your fucking shoes!" the woman yells.

"And you should watch for innocent pedestrians before you take off for your fucking marathon!"

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?!"

"A fucking nutcase, clearly!" Janis yells. "Now if you'll excuse me, your highness, I have a fucking shift I'm late for. Sorry to be in your way with my... common... ness. Look, just leave!"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now