it's me and you

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hello friends. happy wednesday. before we get into this fic, please allow me to tell you a quick story. (it's absolutely not important, feel free to skip this bit).
this is a wedding story, spoilers. and the date i have chosen for said wedding is technically a tuesday.
i was not into the idea of having their wedding on a weekday, so i wanted to see if i could swing having it on a weekend and still be a round number. in this, they get married on the 30th, so the next obvious choice was the 25th. which prompted me to ask my father to find out what day the 25th would be "hey, what's tuesday minus five?" (it's thursday, btw.)
anyway! i posted that stupid ass question on my tumblr as yet another display of stupid ezzy shenanigans, but it RAPIDLY became my most popular post by far. it has nearly 500 notes, and got almost all of them within 24 hours. for context, my second most popular one has about 45 notes.
anyway, TLDR, we have two new inside jokes: "tuesday minus five" and "tuesday plus two". enjoy.

tw's for:
one scene that may trigger friends who struggle with disordered eating
anywho, please enjoy!


"Jayjay!" Cady calls loudly, leaping onto her fiancée from above. Janis yelps and catches her.

"Jesus Christ, Peanut, don't do that," she breathes once Cady is safely on the bed next to her. "What is it?"

Cady rolls on top of her and hovers over her on her elbows. "We have a wedding to plan."

Janis grins a little at the reminder. "That we do. I'm guessing you want to do it now?"

"Uhhuh," Cady nods happily. "Well, not all of it. But I want to start now."

"Okay," Janis says, rubbing over the backs of Cady's arms. "You gonna let me up?"

Cady groans like it's a terrible inconvenience and flops to the side, but takes Janis' hand when she reaches out to help her up and follows her to the living room.

They sit on the ground around the coffee table, and Cady pulls her laptop and a notebook seemingly out of thin air.

"How do we even start with this?" Janis asks. They're not planning on anything crazy, just their families and close friends, but they still have no idea how to approach planning it.

"I don't know," Cady shrugs. "I guess we should probably pick, like, a date for it?"

"Yeah, that makes sense," Janis says. "You wanted spring."

"Yeah," Cady says. "Is April too cold?"

"I don't think so. It gets pretty warm by the end of it," Janis hums.

"And it should be easy to remember," Cady says, tapping the end of her pen against her notebook. "What about April thirtieth? That's as close to the end as we can get, and a round number."

"Works for me," Janis says. "So far, we're nailing it."

Cady laughs at that, writing the date in large letters on the first line. "You're cute. Okay, um... location?"

That's a bit more tricky. They want an outdoor wedding, but where?

"I don't know," Janis says anxiously. "All I can think of is the woods again."

"That wouldn't be terrible," Cady hums thoughtfully. "It's an important place to us, and it's beautiful. And we wouldn't have to pay very much, either. We'd have to get everyone to Illinois, but that's doable."

"Yeah, we could do that," Janis says. "Are you sure, though? You don't want somewhere more fancy?"

"As long as it's not Las Vegas and I'm married to you by the end of that day, I couldn't care less where it happens," Cady says contently, adding their newest bit of information to the notebook. Janis grins affectionately as she nibbles on the end of the pen once it's written down. "Okay, what now... um... color scheme?"

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