the rainbow in you

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welcome back, dear reader! so, you know how the description of this says i never write smut? turns out i lied.
if you're not into that, it's easy to skip over. just scroll through the bit that describes cady as red. it'll make sense once you get into it.

Janis can see sounds. Every sound she's heard since she was a child has sent a rush of color flooding through her vision. She thought it was normal until she was five.


Janis is sitting in her car seat, on a road trip to Ohio to see her family. She's especially excited to see her cousin, Veronica. They're best friends, roughly the same age and so similar in appearance that they often get mistaken for twins. Janis has always been confused when they get mixed up for one another, because Veronica is blue, and Janis is green.

"Mama, can you play the pink song?" She pipes up, kicking her little feet back and forth.

"This one?" Her mother asks, turning on a song by the artist.

"No, the pink one, Mama! The one that sounds pink," She huffs. Silly Mama. That song is orange.

"Sounds pink? How does it go?" Her mom asks, looking at her oddly in the rear view mirror.

"Um, like... do do do do doooo." Janis sings a bit of the tune that she can remember. She doesn't know the words yet.

"Beauty and the Beast?" Her mom asks, switching to the Disney CD.

"Yeah, yeah!" Janis says excitedly, picking up another crayon to get back to her coloring book.

"How is this song pink, baby girl?" Her mom asks curiously.

"You don't hear the colors?" Janis asks shyly, as if she's made a mistake and is getting in trouble.

"You're not in trouble, honey, I'm just wondering. Do you see pink when you hear this?" Her mama asks, pulling into a rest stop parking lot and climbing back to sit next to Janis.

"Uhhuh. Like the 'mingos at the zoo, not my ballet stuff," Janis answers, unbuckling her belt and crawling onto her mother's lap. "Mama, am I broken?"

"No, baby girl," Mama says sadly, cupping Janis' chin and looking into her eyes. "You're my perfect, special, beautiful girl. Not everyone can do this. You kind of have a superpower!"

Janis likes that idea. Maybe she'll grow up to be like Wonder Woman. She'll have to figure out a way for hearing colors to save lives, first. Maybe once she turns six that'll come to her.

"So is it only this song that has a color, or does everything you hear have something?" Her mama asks, tickling her belly to make her smile.

"I think everything. You're yellow," Janis says, grinning at her with her missing front teeth, recently forcibly removed by her friend Dana in a tap dancing accident.

"Yellow? Hm," Mama hums, flooding Janis' vision with shades of lemon. "I've always liked yellow."


At Janis' six year old checkup, her mama asks her doctor about the colors. This doctor paints the world with brown. Janis doesn't like him, but she always gets a sticker when she finishes getting poked at.

Mama and the doctor talk for a long time about the colors, Janis reading a Doctor Seuss book on the paper covered table. The way it crinkles makes her see blue.

The doctor doesn't know what the colors could mean, telling them to talk to Janis' therapist, Miss Megan about it. The doctor says that since it's in her brain, Miss Megan might know more about it than he could.

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