tale as old as time

496 7 148

i think this is my favorite concept for a fic i've had so far, if you couldn't tell by the word count. i got the idea from watching the clip of erika henningsen as belle when she was in high school and my brain going i could probably do something with this and then remembering the phillip story in Stop and my brain excitedly going i can do something with this!!

anyway, enjoy!

Cady is sitting across from Janis at their lunch table on the last day before winter break, chattering excitedly about her plans for the holidays when Damian suddenly mopes his way over and plops his tray down next to her, sitting down with a quiet huff and picking at his pizza. Neither of the girls know quite what to do, Cady cutting off mid-word to look his way. Damian comes to lunch directly from his theater class, usually full of energy and excitement about whatever new thing he'd learned that day.

"What's the matter, Dame?" Cady asks sadly, hugging him gently.

"They just announced the spring musical. They're doing Beauty and the Beast." He pouts.

"Are you still that hung up on Phillip?" Janis teases.

"Janis, don't be mean! Damian's sad," Cady scolds, going full koala and trying to wrap her entire body around Damian's torso. It doesn't quite work due to their size difference, but she doesn't let it stop her.

"Yeah Janis," Damian responds jokingly, returning Cady's embrace. "Damian's sad."

Janis and Damian stick their tongues out at each other, Janis moving to his other side to hug him as well. "Sorry Damie," she says, genuine this time as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, I know you were joking. I'm just wondering if it's worth it. I've already been in the show before, y'know? Do I really need to do it here?" He asks, resting his head against Janis'.

"Damian, you have to do it! It's your last ever musical at North Shore," Cady gasps, aghast at even the mere suggestion of him pulling out.

"Yeah, Dame, don't you want that experience?" Janis asks, now more worried about him. She didn't think it was still that big of a deal to him.

"I don't know. I want to, but I just have so many, like, tainted memories of it now or whatever. I don't know if I wanna put myself through that again." He says morosely.

"What if I did it with you?" Cady asks, completely out of nowhere.

"What?" Janis asks, stunned.

"You would do that?" Damian questions, also quite shocked.

"Yeah! I've been wanting to try theater anyway, it sounds like fun. I probably won't get a big part, but we can still hang out at rehearsals and stuff. We'll make new memories!" She chirps excitedly.

"I'll do something too, Dame. Mister Gordon already asked me to do set design, I'll see if I can be stage manager too, maybe." Janis adds. What the hell, she has nothing else going on.

"You guys are the best," Damian says, patting both of their cheeks.

"We know," Janis jokes, moving back to her side of the table. "Grab the audition stuff for Caddy and ask Gordon about managing for me."

"Done. Wait, has Caddy even seen the movie yet?" He asks, suddenly serious.

"Nope!" Cady says, stealing one of his fries.

"How did we miss that one? It's a classic. Both of you come over tonight, it's movie night anyway. Bring your sleepover stuff." Janis says definitively, pounding the table gently with a fist.

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