"That was a bit shitty of her turning up last night, I swear if I knew I would have said something to Freen before, but Freen didn't know. I spoke to her yesterday afternoon, and she said she was just borrowing Faye's car" Char blurted.

This was a change; Char was actually defending Freen. The woman she couldn't stand when Becky was still married to her. Now all of sudden they are chums. Becky felt queasy as she remained silent.

"Anyway, enough about that, how did you sleep" Char asked swiftly changing the subject.

"Fantastic, I heard Faye's intoxicating laugh until well after midnight" Becky replied dryly as her eyes remained lazy, she wasn't letting this go.

"Do I sense some jealously" Char teased as Becky's eyes shot open. If it was any other person Becky would bullshit her way saying of course not but no matter what lie Becky would come up with Char would figure it out.

"She seems perfect" Becky sighed.

"A model, tall, nice and a fabulous set of tits on her, what's not to be jealous of".

"Ex model and tall are overrated these days, I much prefer the highlighted type. Its more natural" Char replied casually as she played with Becky's hair.

It made Becky smile at how Char was attempting to make her feel better A+ for effort but Faye really did seem like a catch.

"She does have a nice rack on her though. I can't fault you on that" Char giggled as Becky's eyes rolled smacking her pillow into her friend's face.


Fortunately, there wasn't much left to organize with the wedding. The wedding was next month, and Engfa had already finalized every last detail just before Christmas which left Char at ease knowing she had nothing to organize except their hen party.

Lesbians being lesbians they decided to have one big bash for their hen party. Both girls were inviting their closest friends for a weekend to Manchester organized for two weeks away.

Char being a party girl had arranged everything a couple of weeks back which meant all Becky had to do with this wedding was to wear a dress and look pretty. After the night she had last night Becky cursed herself for not bringing a date to the wedding.

She had been having casual flings here and there, but nothing was ever more serious than casual hook ups.

Although Megan would have been perfect. She was a 22-year-old art student Becky had met at a beach party out in St. Kilda one-night last summer. It was hardly love at first site, more like Becky had a few too many Cosmoses and fucked Megan against the pier wall.

It always remained casual between the two. Megan was similar to Becky, nice body and bubbly personality which meant she could have whoever she wanted.

This is why it suited Becky and Megan to hook up, if they didn't find anyone half descent it meant they had their safeguard of each other for company by the end of a drunken night.

Becky knew this was what she deserved. There was no running back to Oz with some stupid excuse about work bailing on her best friend's wedding. She had to endure every part of this wedding which included watching her ex-wife being loved up with her girlfriend.

From what Becky could remember from past conversations with Char. Faye was in her early thirties and had travelled the world modelling in places like Milan and Paris for fashion shows.

She was now a successful fashion designer owning her own boutique in Mayfair. Becky knew Freen and Engfa had stayed in contact after Becky had left on her travels so what does one friend do to help her two hot single friends.

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