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I'm in the circle waiting for the signal to be heard. And I hear it.I run. I run as far as I can, but....it's not enough. I see Wren and Caleb laying beside a tree,pale, full of scars, dead, a terrifying picture. And then he comes around the corner. Kol Mikaelson. I try to run, but i can't. I'm terrified. He grabs me and takes a bite out of me,and it leaves marks identical to the ones Wren and Caleb have all over their bodies. I black out quickly and wake up tied to a chair. There is Klaus opposite me. I feel a hint of safety as I recognize him,
that is gone seconds after he orders Kol to torture me. Then Elijah burges in helping Kol make it more painful while I plea for Klaus to help me, and  he laughs hysterically, enjoying the view.....

I woke up nearly an hour later after I fell asleep trying to contain any screams trying to escape.
Klaus had managed to sleep earlier than me, but I was wide awake till later. When I finally managed to get some sleep, what I was dreading happened.
I had a nightmare. And my nightmares were worse than anyone else's I knew. They were just so vivid that you could feel them, like they were real. It was always so hard for me to calm down after one like this.
I was all sweaty,my heartbeat racing, my eyes burning, tears threatening to spill, and all that while still trying to keep quiet due to the fact that I was sleeping next to a hybrid with sensitive hearing plus the anger issues and the dream i just had about him. Waking him up was the last thing on my to-do list right now. But it didn't seem that easy to stop my loud and quick breathing and the tears from spilling, the pain in my throat begging me to let myself let them go. I heard movement behind me, and I held my breath.Maybe I'd make him think I was asleep. Didn't manage that either.
" What are you doing up?" He said with a low, sleepy voice.
I couldn't use my voice even if I wanted to. It would betray my current state within a second. I didn't move an inch desperately trying to convince him that I was asleep.
"Y/n, I heard your heartbeat got faster. the same goes for your breathing. I know you are awake."
I started slightly shaking at how I was trying to keep all this emotion from leaving me. I was refusing to give in so easily.
I heard him get out of bed and move behind me, and then I felt a warm hand carresing my shoulder.I flinched slightly.
A tear slipped before I could stop it, and before I knew it, I was sobbing. I was facing the couch, and even though I couldn't see his face, I could sense his sympathy and also a bit of his awkwardness. I got up slightly from my position, letting him see my face, all red with tears. I moved and made some space for him on the couch, and he gladly took the seat, opening his arms for me. And even though I was hesitant at first, my heart seeked comfort, and he was the only one who could give it right now, so I curled to his side, my head resting on his chest. His hand was around me, comfortingly.
" There, there, let it all out. Don't hold anything in." And like he ordered, I obeyed, crying harder, bringing my knees to my chest, trying to stop shaking so badly. He kept drawing circles on my back to calm me down, and it seemed to do the trick because minutes later, I stopped crying for good.
We sat there in silence for minutes, maybe half an hour, his hand never stopped drawing circles. And without me realizing it, I fell asleep.
His warm body, his steady breathing, his smell, were the one thing that calmed me down after a nightmare so vivid, that would've taken me hours to do by myself or even two days before I got some sleep again. Instead of this here, I was sleeping in the bad big hybrids arms, feeling safer than I ever did before.
Ironic, really, when my nightmare was about him and his brothers torturing me...

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now