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Back to Y/n's pov:
My eyes flew open, and I immediately sat up. I was on my bed, and the hybrid was sitting at the armchair.
" Thank God you're awake. I was starting to get worried," he said, but he seemed more amused than worried.
"How long?"
" I don't know, it's been hours it's like...3pm now,"
Woah, I had been out for half a day, and i was feeling so much better. Last time, I slept for 8 days, and still, I was tired.
I took a look back at the hybrid, who was just staring at me.
" Klaus...I can't-I...I can't continue training," I said, and I was ready for his denial.
"I know -"
Wait, what?! He agreed?! There's no way there's gotta be a twist.
And there it was.
" But what?" I asked, terrified of what's to follow.
" ...We have to activate your power. I'll have it that way that training won't be as intense, and you'll never get to the state you were last night, "
" No, there is no way I'll do this again!"
He sighted. No matter what he said to persuade me, I would say no. I can't get through this pain again. I just can't!
" Yes, you will, and in fact, you have your second session on Friday."
" No, Klaus, you don't understand! I can't go through this again. It's...it's undescribly painful, and I just can't."
I was starting to have a panicked attack. My breathing was faster than normal, and my eyes were starting to tear up. I was not gonna go through this in front of him.
"Leave! Now!"
He started getting annoyed with me, but that was the least of my problems now.
"Look, I know it's tough b-"
" I told you to leave my room!" I was avoiding eye contact the whole time,but I could sense his annoyance.
He got up and closed the door with force after he left, making me jump.
Then I broke down. I couldn't describe how the sessions were, but they were so painful that having another one made me have a panic attack. I don't even know why I expected him to care and understand. With his reputation, though, I should have been dead a month ago. That's what gave me hope. He showed that he cared even a bit.
The thing is, I can't do this again. I have to find a way to avoid it.
I didn't leave my room that day, nor did I eat. There were several people coming to my door knocking, but I told everyone to leave. I wasn't in a mood for anything. It was now past midnight, and I couldn't sleep. I was starving, but it was nothing compared to other times. I got up and stood at the huge windows of my room admiring the stars and the almost full moon.
A soft knock was heard on my door. I ignored it. Whoever it was would leave if they thought I was asleep.
I heard the doorknob turn and froze where I was.
"Oh, so you are awake,"
He said, mid wishpering. He then closed the door quietly behind him.I just continued to ignore him.
" Look, I know you don't want to go through whatever you went through, but we had a deal, and you have to keep your end so I can keep mine."
He was right, but I just couldn't. He suddenly was really close. His hand ran down my arm, comfortingly.
I wanted to puss him away but at the same time to hug him. He moved his hand away and turned me around so I would face him.
" You are a strong girl,Y/n. You can get through this, and I promise you I won't let anything hurt you. You just have to be loyal to me. Is that too much to ask?"
I shook my head. It is better to have the devil by your side than your enemy.
"I'll do the session, but whatever happens is on you,"
He smiled and nodded.
" Let's get you something to eat. You must be starving. Do you like pancakes?"
I nodded, smiling and following the hybrid to the kitchen where he would make me food.
The more time I spent with him, I realized he may not be so bad after all. He may actually have a heart. Maybe the pure boy who was ruined by his parents is still in there hanging on for moments like this....

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now