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Hours passed, and the vehicle stopped. The hybrids forced us once again out and took us to the cells.
This wasn't the first stop we had.
We stopped another three times and let a couple of the survivors out. I guess in another set of cells, maybe?
Only three of us made it to Mystic Falls. The hybrids called us the specials.
They shoved us into a cell each and then left. I just sat there waiting and let my mind wonder in things. Sadly, overthinking the situation made my mood a hundred times worse.
A day must have passed when a hybrid came in and gave each one of us some food.
A plate filled with an immune, tasteless soup that had a few so-called vegetables inside. If I wasn't starving , I would have thrown it at his face.
Days passed, and soon,one and a half weeks were gone. No one had made an appearance except from the hybrid that brought us the disgusting soup. I was kind of used to it by now. I was ready to accept that that's how I was gonna spend the rest of my life: locked up in a cell, eating a disgusting soup.
It must have been day 20 when a change was made in our routine. And this change was named Klaus. From what I heard, he was busy torturing and killing all the survivors that we left in other locations. As soon as he finished, he came for the specials. And I was only starting to get used to the lifestyle. He must have spent at least five days with each survivor, and still, I don't think they were dead. I was the only one who hadn't been touched yet. I was just there, hearing the endless screams of the other two, until they stopped and began again the next day. I think he was just getting bored when he appeared on my cell.
" Hello, love. How are you today? "
He asked, an evil smirk on his face.
I refused to answer or even look at him. I was sitting on a "bed," resting my back on the wall. He came and put his hand around my neck with enough pressure to have me beg for air.
" I do not like being ignored, love, so you are going to be nice and answer me, do you understand ?" He asked his tone, murderous and his hot breath, sending shivers into my spine. I tried to nod, but he choked me more.
" Words," He almost screamed.
" Y-y-yes," I managed to say as he let me go,still looking straight into my eyes while I was left, gasping for air while my hands were massaging the places his hand used to be.
He glared at me with pure hate, and I was sure he was gonna torture me to death now, but he didn't. He looked away nervous and just stood there for a few seconds. I started to calm down, my breath coming back to normal, but the fear wouldn't leave until he left the room.
" I'll be back," he said with a rather calm voice. He looked lost in his thoughts and kind of confused?
Well, that was weird. And what is even weirder he didn't come up to my cell for another few days, and neither did he torture the other two.
Something strange was going on.

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora