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*Trigger warning ⚠️ : Violence *
I felt another knife on the side of me trying to get deep and then with force to come out. I had managed not to scream when it entered, but now I screamed hard when he took it out. I cried as silently as I could, praying the pain would go way. Then, once again,  as I was tied to a chair, with another knife, he trailed his way up on my leg, making small cuts now and then and finally stabbing me.
I screamed once again. Tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes. It had blocked my view.
" Well, free lunch," he said with an evil smirk. Even though I had enough open cuts that he could drink from, he sucked his teeth inside me from my neck, harshly that made me wince again and again in pain. When  he felt it was enough, he stopped.
*time pass*
I don't know how much time has passed. The only thing I could focuse was the pain he was causing me.
My blood was all over the place, staining the floors, the walls , even the ceiling. I was stabbed everywhere in my body, even burned in some places, and I swear I had at least one broken bone. I was lying on the floor, as he was watching me while I was trying my best not to pass out and he was smiling, admiring his work.
[ I searched it, and nowhere does it say that his blood can heal except from the werewolf bites, but let's just go with it for the plot]
Everything started getting darker, and then once again, I felt his wrist in my mouth, blood dripping. He forced me to drink, and my body started to heal.
The burn, cuts, and broken bones were now healed.
That wasn't a good thing. He had already done this another three times, maybe. With that, he showed me he didn't plan on killing me anytime soon.
And I would not beg him to kill me. From the little things I knew, if I begged him, the situation would probably get worse.
But then again, I could not take it anymore! The pain was too much. I've been screaming for the past four hours, the least !Every time he touched my body with one of the torture things, the pain would start and never stop.
I had kept quiet this whole time cause I thought he may get bored and leave, but now I knew he was trying to break me.
" Ready for round 4 love?" He said, looking at knife he hadn't used yet.
" p-ple-ase no," I managed to say. But it was a whisper that a human ear couldn't hear... but a vampire could. I was really weak. The fact that I was healed didn't mean I had suffered all this time.
" What was that love? You want me to kill you? Well, you should have thought about that be-"
" No," I said slightly louder than before.
He looked confused.
" But you just -" he tried to say, but I cut him off.
" I don't want to die! And you wouldn't kill me anyway. I just want to leave this place! But you wouldn't do that either. So just give me a break. That's what I ask for.. sometime to adjust....p-please"
Tears were welling up my eyes, and he...he had the look that he had the day he tried to choke me...the look of confusion and the look that showed he was in deep thought.
He dropped the knife down, angry, and he left the room without even looking my way.
I did it! I gave myself some time to relax and not more punishment. To be honest, I thought he would torture me worse now that I dared to speak to him like this, but he just left.
Before I could feel happy for long, I heard movement coming to my cell.
Why did I think I could get away even for a little?
To my surprise, it was two hybrids. They took me by my arms again and moved me to another cell, a clean one. They gave me new clothes to change, and mine had a bath in my blood. They left a note and a small energy bar? I changed quickly and went to read the note.
" Consider this,your little break and me showing some mercy
                                           -Klaus- "

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now