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"... with the power of Teleportation"
I looked at him, shocked.
*Flashback *
I was running as fast as I could, but I've been sick for the past few days , today being the worst. I had already thrown up 2 times. My head was hurting. Everything was turning around, and I was sure I was gonna pass out any moment now. My heart beat raised. What if they got me while I was out, I could not pass out! Sadly, the pain began to be unbearable. Everything was going dark.
I fell down and before I passed out I saw a light.
Hours later,from that happening, I woke up on the other side of the town, not knowing how I got there. That wasn't the first time that had happened. But I assumed I sleepwalked , maybe ?
Now it was making sense, I could teleport ! All these times I would wake up in places and I would not remember how I got there I had teleported!
"....hello, earth calling Y/n"
My head snapped at the hybrids direction.
" Sorry, I zoned out," I said quickly, looking down, fidgeting with my hands.
" Well, do we have a deal?"
I was so confused
" Did you not hear what I've been saying?"
I shook my head lightly in embarrassment. I was trying to earn his trust, and I didn't even hear anything of what he had to say.
" The terms of our deal are that you will do anything I ask when I ask, and if you do anything against me, it could cost even your life. If you obey, you have in exchange some type of freedom. Which means you can do whatever you want, but if I ask you even to kill your best friend, you have to. Deal?"
This was a deal with the devil, and I knew it. The terms didn't sound that bad. They were reasonable, but there were so many things that could go wrong. But it is my only option. I have to take it.
" Deal."
" Didn't hear ya.."
" We have a deal," I said louder than before,annoyed.
" Great, now you can rest for a bit before your first session."
I looked at him confused.
" Oh, yeah, I forgot. The first thing you are gonna do is learn to control and use your power. I found a person who could help you. You're starting in an hour or so. Good luck, love. "
Weird...why wish me good luck ?
And why is he so nice ?
I thought he was the ruthless, evil,Maniac, psycho monster that everyone described him to be, and I could put a hundred more adjectives they used.
And still there he was, making a deal with a random girl, sparring her life, showing her mercy.....

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora