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Fifteen minutes had passed, and it was getting dark, I couldn't stay out here much longer. I opened the back door of the house and tried to sneak into my room. Before I could, Elijah was by my side. I looked at him, worried. I couldn't hear anything, but I'm sure he could.
"What are they saying?"
He looked at me a bit concerned.
"You should go upstairs, Y/n."
I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right. I just ran upstairs quickly and locked myself into my room. It wasn't really late, but I decided to try and sleep.
I took a hot shower,as I was still covered in blood, before laying down, but the voices of all three suddenly shouting did not let me sleep.
Was it a bad idea to go downstairs?
Would I do it anyway?
Hell yeah.
I tried to be as quiet as I could even though it was pointless. I was living with three original vampires, after all.
As I stepped into the hallway, all the screaming stopped. I mentally cursed myself for getting caught. There was no point in hiding, so I revealed myself only to find Kol and Elijah unconscious on the floor and Klaus groaning in pain with a stake really close to his heart. As I ran to his side, I noticed two figures hiding behind the door.
"Who's there?"
A girl with curly brown hair, followed by a boy, at least three inches taller than her, with similar features. I recognized them as one of my people,from my home. I couldn't recall their names, though.
"Y/n, right? We're Wren and Caleb. You remember us, right?"
I nodded, still confused.
"What happened? Who did this to them?" I asked, getting up.
"We did! Isn't it great? We've been planning this for months now!"
"But why?"
" What do you mean why? They've been torturing us for years they deserve it!"
I could see where they were coming off, but I couldn't agree. I felt guilty, like I was betraying my people...I was but it was the best choice.
"We've searched about you at the cells but couldn't find you. What happened?"
They boy said.
" Have you been down there this whole time?" I felt stupid and guilty again for not thinking about what happened to them in months!
"Yeah...weren't you?" They were getting suspicious. I couldn't help but break the eye contact we held.
"Y/n..." Klaus growled in pain. I kept looking between them and Klaus. What was I supposed to do? Help Klaus or them?
Klaus seemed to be a bit better trying to get the stake out but failing horribly.
"Y/n help me! Now!" He said aggressively.
"Y/n, you don't need to help him. Let's get out of here. Let's be free." Wren said.
My head was buzzing, I didn't know what to do? What was the right choice???
"Remember our deal, Y/n."
" Let me live freely, and I'll do anything, anything really,"
" And why should I trust that you won't fail me, you won't betray me?"
" I won't, I promise."
"The terms of our deal are that you will do anything I ask when I ask, and if you do anything against me, it could cost even your life. If you obey, you have in exchange some type of freedom. Which means you can do whatever you want but if I ask you even to kill your best friend you have to. Deal?"
" Deal."
" Didn't hear ya.."
" We have a deal,"
Turns out there was only one choice. Either it was right or wrong.

Mercy ( Klaus x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now